Public Records Requests
Records Requests:
Public Records Law:
Fire Reports:
Please provide the following information.
Requestors Name:
Address of incident:
Date of Incident:
EMS Reports:
Please provide the following information.
Requestors Name:
Address of incident:
Date of Incident:
Law Firms
We subscribe to Chart Swap. Please check chart swap before contacting the Fire Department.
We follow all HIPAA laws. If you would like a copy of your own EMS Report, you need to fill out the attached form, bring it to the fire station with an official photo ID such as a driver’s license or state ID card. We cannot release EMS reports to anyone other than the patient unless you have a Healthcare Power of Attorney. In that case you need to come to the fire station on Morris Road so we can make a copy of the POA and attach it to the report.
Request for EMS Billing should be sent to:
Medicount Management, 10361 Spartan Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
Phone 513-772-4465, Fax 513-772-4464.
Fire Inspection Reports:
Fire inspection reports follow the same public records requests procedures as Fire Reports.