Crime Prevention/ Neighborhood Watch/Vacation Home Checks

Vacation House Checks


If you are going away on a vacation, work trip, or for some other reason, please CLICK HERE to request a periodic house check by our Police Department and CPAA Group.


Upon completion of the form, please email to or stop by the Police Department Front Lobby - 6485 Vonnie Vale Court, Fairfield Twp, OH 45011

Crime Prevention

Please, do not leave any items of value in your vehicle.  Theft from vehicles is a nation-wide, ongoing problem, and it is difficult to catch the thieves when they strike randomly in the shadows of the night.  If a thief is arrested, they tend to strike again once released.  This is not a problem isolated to Fairfield Township, but across the nation.  Even if you lock your car, do not leave items of value in it - especially in plain sight - as thieves may break a window or jimmy their way in.

Also, take the time to document your valuables and other property. Print the Household Inventory Form and keep in a safe place for your records.

Neighborhood Watch

Nationally, the ratio of police officers to citizens is approximately two officers for every 1,000 citizens. Not all of these officers are on patrol duty at once and some also fill other roles within the department. Therefore, the police department relies on the additional eyes and ears of its community to report suspicious activity and in providing information to assist in the fight against crime. In order to facilitate this, and in cooperation with the Fairfield Township Police Department, citizens are shown how to recognize suspicious or criminal activities and report them to the police department. Note, a Neighborhood Watch Community is not a group of vigilantes or lawless people taking the law into their own hands, but citizens working together toward a common goal - a safe neighborhood. It also allows for the members of Neighborhood Watch communities to become familiar with others in their neighborhood.

For further information about a Neighborhood Watch Program or to inquire about setting one up for your neighborhood, email the coordinator, or contact the police department at 513-887-4406.