Police Records
Police Reports
The Records Section of the Fairfield Township Police Department is responsible for maintaining all offense reports, traffic crash reports, traffic citations, and other departmental records.
It is easiest to locate police reports by report number; however, if the report number is not known, please provide enough information to locate the report (involved person's name, incident date, incident location, etc). You may fill out the Public Records Request Form and submit it when requesting information.
Copies of reports can be obtained in any of the following ways in accordance with the Ohio Public Records Law and the Fairfield Township Public Records Policy.

Crash Reports
Use one of the following two links to access your crash report online.
Please allow 2-3 business days to complete the report and it be available.
Contact Us
Phone: 513-887-4406
Fax: 513-887-4407
Written request: Provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope
Email: policerecords@fairfieldtwp.org
In person: In the lobby
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm