Blog Entries - 2021

Fiscal Responsibility & Transparency Continue to be Township Hallmarks
Fiscal Responsibility & Progress Continue Over the past seven years Fairfield Township has worked very hard to probably manage funds while meeting the needs of departmental operations. In spite of COVID, untrue
Police Department Remodel and Addition
The police station on Vonnie Vale is being remodeled and doubled in size which allows the department to keep pace with the growth of both the police force and Township. Construction includes enclosing the existing Sally

Veterans Memorial Update
Thanks to the persistence and work of an active group of residents a beautiful veterans tribute is being brought to fruition in Fairfield Township. The memorial will be a very important addition to Heroes Park off
MI Homes Development
MI Homes Presentation Link At last evening's Special Meeting, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to pass the Consent Decree between Fairfield Township and MI Homes. This development will be located off of Route

Public Works Building Open & Ribbon Cutting Scheduled
The new Public Works building is the first of its kind in Fairfield Township! Over the years, the Department has worked from the back of former Fire Station 212 which was located off of Tylersville Road near Five