Fiscal Responsibility & Transparency Continue to be Township Hallmarks

Fiscal Responsibility & Progress Continue
Over the past seven years Fairfield Township has worked very hard to probably manage funds while meeting the needs of departmental operations. In spite of COVID, untrue accusations, and new staff, the Township finances have not only remained stable, but improved and maintained an excellent Aa2 rating. This has occurred while additional full time staff has been added to every department, including Police, Public Works, and Fire. It has also occurred while incredible capital expenditures have occurred including new fleets, new branding, and new buildings. These staffing and capital purchases allow the Township to better serve its 23,000 residents.
In the past seven years revenue has outpaced expenses, including for 2021. YTD in 2021 expenses total $10,307,968.33, almost $2.7 million of which was paid towards a new police station and Gilmore Road improvement from funds borrowed and reflected as revenue in 2020. YTD in 2021 revenues are at $13,306,736.34, almost $1.2 million of which is ARP Funding from the Federal Government. A copy of the Cash Summary By Fund is can be seen by Clicking Here. In 2015 the General Fund was trending down and had reached less than $4 million. At this time the General Fund is at almost $6.9 million. Another great addition has been the introduction of a Wellness Program at the Township which has resulted in annual savings that have allowed insurance to remain stable. For three years use of the program along with smart shopping has resulted in a NET POSITIVE cost to the Township for insurance.
Here are examples of the forward progress that has occurred in each Department within the past five years under the leadership of the current Board and Administration:
Administration & Zoning
Partnership with SWOCA for improved IT, safer servers, and more cyber protection, Median landscaping and flag beatification project with partnership from Butler Tech School of Horticulture, Improved meeting equipment and capacity, including Live Streaming, replacement of carpet, chairs, and paint from over 20 years ago to professionalize Admin for guests and business meetings, new Zoning Software with increased communication and tacking capabilities, plotter and copier leasing with up to date technology, increased partnerships with local jurisdictions and groups, introduction of an Annual Report, increased events, increased response and customer service expectations implemented, Focus Groups to gather resident feedback about zoning, a Parks Committee, a Veterans Memorial Committee, revamped website with a "Contact Us" feature that is widely used, Township rebranding, including gateway and identification signage that establishes Township boundaries and follows the professionalism of surrounding jurisdictions, communication board added outside of Admin and updated weekly to add another layer of communication with residents. Economic development has been significant, both commercially and residentially which has resulted in new income streams, including TIF and JEDD vehicles. Some of the projects include Hobby Lobby, Storypoint, Empower, El Rancho, AAA, Pizza Hut, Triple A Storage, Warehouse on Seward, Bog O Tire, Family Dollar, Family Dentistry, McAlister's, Urban Air, Shermin Williams, Casey's, MI Homes, and Ryan Homes. Noteable infrastructure projects include Gilmore Road Widening, Greenlawn sewer Phase 1 funded 100% by grant money, Princeton Road culvert replacement, Fairfax and Tuley Road sewer projects through GDBG.
Police Department
Police Department remodel and addition which doubled the space, added up tp date technology, more security, and gates, body worn cameras, in car cameras, new patch, new striping, new and updated fleet, rifles, riot gear, evidence drying rack, tasers, pistols, audited and remodeled evidence room with a professional tech, increased staffing from authorized strength of 17 to 23, roll call room, increased training, Narcan which has been used to save lives, tourniquet kits which have been used to save lives, new radios.
Fire Department
New station located at 6911 Gilmore Road, two new medic units, new bariatric unit formed in consortium with agencies throughout Butler County, new jaws of life, UV cleaning systems for all vehicles, new radios, to sets of new turn out gear, particulate hoods for cancer prevention, new SCBA, remodeled HQ, fire hydrant painting program, Fire Corp, improved AV for training rooms, smoke detector replacement program instituted, fire ever full time fire inspector and Administrative Assistant, new computers and technology in all fire vehicles, new trucks that have COVID safe compartments, water rescue boat and gear along with a truck to haul, new patch and striping, replacement hose as needed, annual safety vest purchase using the MORE OTARNA Grant.
Public Works
First ever Public Works building which is located on Gilmore Road, 7 full time employees for the largest crew in Township history, new snow plows, new patch, 2 F350's, new John Deere Tractor, Bob cat attachments to allow for more independent work, camera with a snack that is used often in pipe repairs, increased culvert replacement and repair, aggressive paving, curb and gutter, and crack seal program, use of durapatch, uniform and boots, tool kit which they did not have 7 years ago, new zero turn mowers, two complete park renovations, including new playgrounds, tennis court resurfacing, a walking trail at Shafers Run, renovated dog park, pickle ball lines, and additional benches, a new pocket park in the Five Points area, generator.
The above is a small over view of the great things being accomplished while Find balances are stable and at a very healthy and growing level. Every single department has seen dramatic improvements and will continue to grow. Staffing will continue to be evaluated as it is always a concern, but also what uses approximately 87% of the budget. By 2024 all current debt will be paid off which will increase the pace at which funds grow. It is also interesting to note that the level passed in 2015 was projected to last for 5 years. Due to smart planning and growth, as well as use of many grants, projections have been surpassed.
For those interested in meeting an learning more, the team at Fairfield Township is very transparent and happy to meet. Residents are always welcome to come and see what we do and be a part of the solution to issues. We welcome ideas and enjoy sharing facts and figures. Another excellent site to visit is Open Checkbook which the Fiscal Office updates on a quarterly basis.