Meeting Information & Notices

The Importance of Public Meetings in Ohio Townships

The Board is committed to conducting business openly and transparently. The Fairfield Township Board of Trustees holds Regular Meetings at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month in the Township Administration Building, 6032 Morris Road. These meetings are open to the public, recorded and shown LIVE on You Tube. Meetings will begin to be uploaded to an online video tab on this website. In addition, meeting minutes are posted, and records requests can be used and will be answered in a reasonable amount of time as explained by the ORC.

Sunshine Laws are an extremely important part of business and a critical piece related to public meetings.  To learn more about the Sunshine Laws please CLICK HERE

During meetings the Trustees hold a portion dedicated to those who would like to speak.  The Communication Agenda item reads as follows:

"This is the Portion of the meeting where you, the residents of Fairfield Township, are invited to share your thoughts with the Board. Please know that this time has been set aside from the Board to listen to you. Your comments are valued and will be taken into careful consideration.  The Board will not engage in dialogue at this time. Presentations are limited to three (3) minutes each.

Meetings for Boards have been created for the sole purpose of BOARD WORK AND INTERACTION.  Instant Board Feedback is usually not able or supposed to happen. Outside communication during meetings is actually NOT a required part of meetings, but as a Board, the policy of three (3) minutes for concise communication has been a valued part of the meetings.  Feedback will typically occur the following day from Administration.