Resolution 25-48 authorizing payment to Jergensen for 2025 paving program

Resolution 25-47 approving changes to the Fire Department policy manual

Resolution 25-46 authorizing purchase of fencing for the Milton St. Park

Resolution 25-45 authorizing renewal of the Lexipol subscription for Fire Dept.

Resolution 25-44 approving salary increases for non-union employees

Resolution 25-43 approving amended public records policy for Fairfield Township

Resolution 25-42 authorizing Admin to sign grant agreement with ODNR

Resolution 25-41 approving revised EMS billing rates for the Fire Department

Resolution 25-40 authorizing purchase of security cameras from SWOCA

Resolution 25-39 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 25-38 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 25-37 authorizing electric aggregation agreement

Resolution 25-36 authorizing purchase of mobile fingerprint machine for PD

Resolution 25-35 authorizing the creation of position of Office Manager

Resolution 25-34 authorizing purchase of AED's to satisfy HB 47

Resolution 25-33 authorizing purchase of staff vehicle for Fire Department

Resolution 25-32 approving public notice requirement per HB 315

Resolution 25-31 authorizing purchase of a Dump Truck with Plow

Resolution 25-30 authorizing purchase of lockers for the Fire Department

Resolution 25-29 authorizing purchase of shot guns for the Police Department

Resolution 25-28 authorizing repairs to the roof of the Administration building

Resolution 25-27 authorizing purchase of (3) police vehicles

Resolution 25-26 authorizing purchase of a desk/chair for Township Administrator

Resolution 25-25 authorizing crack seal at a price not to exceed $10,000.00

Resolution 25-24 authorizing full-time Police Officer William Kelly

Resolution 25-23 authorizing renewal of Flock Camera system

Resolution 25-22 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 25-21 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 25-20 approving purchase of 13 mobile radios for Fire Department

Resolution 25-19 authorizing Administrator to execute agreement with BC EMA

Resolution 25-18 authorizing purchase of mobile storage system for PD

Resolution 25-17 reappointing Jason Austerman member Zoning Commission

Resolution 25-16 reappointing Michel Davis member of Zoning Appeals Board

Resolution 25-15 authorizing contract with Dell for Microsoft Licensing

Resolution 25-14 approving 2025 annual invoice to Miami Valley Crime Lab

Resolution 25-13 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 25-12 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 25-11 authorizing Fiscal Officer to open PO for everyday expenses

Resolution 25-10 establishing 2025 competitive bidding process

Resolution 25-09 authorizing Dept. heads to execute purchases $1,500 or less

Resolution 25-08 authorizing Administrator to execute purchases $7,500 or less

Resolution 25-07 approving 2025 Zoning Fee Schedule

Resolution 25-06 setting 2025 Holiday Schedule

Resolution 25-05 setting 2025 Trustee Meeting Schedule

Resolution 25-04 authorizing 2025 travel and meal reimbursement rate

Resolution 25-03 establishing 2025 mileage reimbursement rate

Resolution 25-02 approving Fiscal Officer salary as set by the ORC

Resolution 25-01 approving Trustee salaries as set by the ORC