18-187 Resolution approving purchase of Motorola radios 

18-186 Resolution appointing Paul Davis as Part Time SRO for Butler Tech 

18-185 Resolution Adopting 2019 Permanent Appropriations 

18-184 Resolution approving open purchase order balances 

18-183 Resolution authorizing Police Chief to execute contract with Butler Tech for an SRO 

18-182 Resolution approving open purchase order balances 

18-181 Resolution authorizing Administrator to advertise for bids for demo of Land Bank properties 

18-180 Resolution authorizing nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-179 Resolution authorizing purchase of property room software for the Police Department 

18-178 Resolution approving purchase of active shooter equipment 

18-177 Resolution authorizing the purchase of playground equipment from Gametime 

18-176 Resolution authorizing demolition of property 

18-175 Resolution authorizing demolition of property 

18-174 Resolution approving purchase of battery operated extrication equipment for the Fire Department 

18-173 Resolution authorizing the appointment of PT Firefighter/EMT Shaun Brown 

18-172 Resolution to approving open purchase order balances 

18-171 Resolution authorizing School Resource Officer position 

18-170 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-169 Resolution approving hiring of Nathan Wall as Full Time Zoning Inspector 

18-168 Resolution authorizing Administrator to apply for 2019 CDBG Grant with 15% match 

818-167 Resolution authorizing Administrator to execute JEDD with Fairfield City 

18-166 Resolution approving open purchase order balances 

18-165 Resolution authorizing paint and carpet for Administration Building 

18-164 Resolution authorizing Administrator to execute documents for transfer of Allstatter property to CIC 

18-163 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-162 Resolution authorizing paving work behind Fire HQ 

18-161 Resolution authorizing stripe and seal work on Township parking lots, basketball courts, and walking trails 

18-160 Resolution authorizing Phase II of curb and Gutter repair 

18-159 Resolution authorizing completion of a topo map for Schaefers Run Park 

18-158 Resolution authorizing Administrator to execute Collective Bargaining Agreement with FOP 

18-157 Resolution approving open purchased order balances 

18-156 Resolution authorizing appointment of Emma Edens to the Police Department 

18-155 Resolution authorizing 25% TIF make whole payment to Fairfield City Schools 

18-154 Resolution regarding TIF and payment to Fairfield City Schools 

18-152 Resolution authorizing repairs to Engine 212 

18-151 Resolution Approving Fairfield Township - Duke Reality TIF 

18-150 Resolution amending 2018 Appropriations 

18-149 Resolution setting JEDD Public Hearing date 

18-148 Resolution authoring purchase of LED sign for Police Department 

18-147 Resolution authorizing purchase of LED sign for Admin Building 

18-146 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-145 Resolution authorizing Administrator to sign contract with iWorQ for new Zoning software program 

18-144 Resolution authorizing purchase of computer equipment for Police Department 

18-143 Resolution authorizing repairs to be done on Service Department vehicle 

18-142 Resolution authorizing Administrator to sign contract with Encharge for EMS Reporting Software 

18-141 Resolution authorizing Administrator to advertise for Zoning Inspector position 

18-140 Resolution authorizing $500 payment for indigent burial 

18-139 Resolution approving open Purchase Orders 

18-138 Resolution hiring Full time Police Officer Nicholas Spradling 

18-137 Resolution authorizing pay adjustment for Bryan Rowland in the Service Department 

18-136 Resolution authorizing a pay adjustment for Brandon Smith in the Service Department 

18-135 Resolution authorizing a pay adjustment for Albert Koenig in the Service Department 

18-134 Resolution authorizing a pay adjust for Jordan Jones in the Service Department 

18-133 Resolution authorizing a promotion and pay raise for Mike Bridges in the Service Department 

18-132 Resolution authorizing a pay increase for Jeff Bennett in the Service Department 

18-131 Resolution approving a 3% pay increase for all eligible employees 

18-130 Resolution appointing Chuck Goins as Full Time Assistant Administrator 

18-129 Resolution appointing Dianne French to Full Time Status in the Fiscal Office 

18-128 Resolution awarding paramedic tuition payment to Fire Fighter/EMT Brennan Berter 

18-127 Resolution appointing Police Officer Steven Laugle 

18-126 Resolution authorizing the appointment of full-time Firefighter/paramedic Logan Debord to the Fairfield Township Fire Department 

18-125 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-124 Resolution apponting Tanner Timlin as a full-time Service Department employee 

18-123 Resolution appointing Jeff Gray as a full-time Service Department employee 

18-122 Resolution appointing Katlynn Gardner to the Fairfield Township Fire Department as a part-time Firefighter/EMT 

18-121 Resolution authorizing tuition reimbursement to Firefighter Bryce Canupp 

18-120 Resolution authorizing encumbrance of money for Gilmore Road project 

Resolution 18-120 Resolution authorizing Fiscal Officer to encumber $1,400,000 from Fund 4903 RID FUND and $600,000 from 2906 Princeton Road TIF Fund to pay for repairs to Gilmore Road 

18-119 Resolution to approve open purchase order balances 

Resolution 18-118 approving employment agreement for Julie Vonderhaar 

18-117 Resolution to authorize Phase I curb and gutter repairs from Sam and Mike Neal Contractor at a price not to exceed $44,999.00. 

18-116 Resolution approving purchase of police dash-cam video recorders and equipment 

18-115 Resolution authorizing the appointment Matthew Metzner to the Fairfield Township 

18-114 Resolution authorizing the appointment Firefighter/Paramedic Kimberly Owens 

18-113 Resolution authorizing the appointment of Full-time firefighter/paramedic Jeremy Waldroff 

18-112 Resolution amending Police Department salary line 

18-111 Resolution approving open purchase orders 

18-110 Resolution approving open PO 

18-109 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-108 Resolution approving new Air Conditioning Unit for PD 

18-107 Resolution appointing 3 Part Time Firefighter/EMT's 

18-106 Resolution approving PO Balances 

18-105 Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2019 Tax Budget 

18-104 Resolution authorizing additional base repair work for the 2018 Paving Project 

18-103 Resolution authorizing Administrator to advertise for a Full Time Service Department worker 

18-102 Resolution approving nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-101 Resolution authorizing the Administrator to execute a salt contract with the Butler County Engineer's Office for the 2018-2019 Winter season 

18-100 Resolution approving repairs to be done on the Service Department mow trim in the amount of $14,565.37 by Zimmer Tractor 

18-99 Resolution approving fencing around recycle bins at Vonnie Vale Park 

18-98 Resolution to approve open purchase orders 

18-97 Resolution authorizing the appointment of Full-Time Police Officer Michael Willis 

18-96 Resolution authorizing the appointment of Full-Time Police Officer Andrew Wargo 

18-95 Resolution appointing resident Karla Chaney to the FTZA as an alternate member for term expiring Jan 31, 2020 

18-94 Resolution authorizing Police Dept to equip 2 new Ford Interceptor SUV's 

18-93 Resolution authorizing administrator to execute agreement with Butler Tech for sale of fire apparatus in exchange for training facility use 

18-92 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-91 Resolution declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

18-90 Resolution approving acceptance of payments via credit card machine 

18-89 Resolution approving estimated cost for repair at 6297 Edwood Drive 

18-88 Resolution approving the purchase of 25 Glock pistols for the Police Dept 

18-87 Resolution approving PO Balances 

18-86 Resolution approving Michelle Couch as FT Police Clerk 

18-85 Resolution approving Anita Snyder as FT Police Clerk 

18-84 Resolution appointing Jeff Yaney as PT Police Dept Property Room Custodian 

18-83 Resolution appointing FT fire/paramedic Daniel Gault 

18-82 Resolution approving purchase of four SCBA Cascade Bottle on the compressor system for the Fire Department 

18-81 Resolution authorizing Tritech software renewal for the Police Department 

18-80 Resolution authorizing OTARMA renewal through Risk Source/Neace Lukens 

18-79 Resolution approving Purchase Orders 

18-78 Resolution appointing Nathan Wall as Zoning Intern for the summer 

18-77 Resolution authorizing purchase of tasers and equipment for PD new hires 

18-76 Resolution authorizing payment to Rumpke for Clean Up Day dumpsters 

18-75 Resolution authorizing debt service payment 

18-74 Resolution regarding extension agreement with Auditor & Bastin for annual audit services 

18-73 Resolution approving PO list 

18-72 Resolution to approve contract with Perfection Group Inc. for air-conditioning and furnace repair and maintenance services 

18-71 Resolution authorizing Administrator to execute contract for Fire Station Build 

18-70 Resolution to dispense $405,219.78 from the TIF for distribution of 25% collection to the Fairfield City School District 

18-69 Resolution authorizing Debt Service Payment of $45,581.25 to the Bank of New York Melon 

18-69 Resolution authorizing Debt Service Payment of $45,581.25 to the Bank of New York Melon 

18-68 Resolution authorizing Debt Service Payment of $44,900.00 to US Bank 

18-67 Resolution to purchase (2) 2018 Ford Interceptor SUV’s for the Police Department Road Patrol 

18-66 Resolution to approve Purchase Order list 

18-65 Resolution to hire FT Fire Department Employee Scott Smith 

18-64 Resolution to hire Kimberly Owens in the FD 

18-63 Resolution Authorizing Fiscal Officer to create a Purchase Order for Standard Insurance (Short Term Disability) coverage 

18-62 Resolution Authorizing Gilmore Road repairs 

18-61 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Butler County EMA Cooperative Program 

18-60 Resolution approving purchase order list as set by the Fiscal Officer 

18-59 Resolution Authorizing Zoning Administrator to advertise for a Part-time Zoning Intern position 

18-58 Resolution Approving Tuition Program for Fire Department employee Greg Hoelle 

18-57 Resolution Authorizing Administrator to sign contract with Dell for Microsoft 365 Licensing 

18-56 Resolution AAuthorizing Crack Seal at a price not to exceed $7,500 

18-55 Resolution Authorizing DuraPatch at a price not to exceed $44,999 

18-54 Resolution Authorizing Butler Tech students to perform Median Landscaping at a cost not to exceed $17,500 

18-53 Authorizing Authorizing two (2) Road Department Plow Truck beds to be retrofitted with stainless steel from Henderson at a cost of $82,408.00 

18-52 Resolution Authorizing purchase of Playground Mulch from Play World at a cost of $8,000.00 

18-51 Resolution Appointing Kayleigh Marshall as full-time Police Officer 

18-50 Resolution Appointing Matthew Miller as full-time Police Officer 

18-49 Resolution Appointing John Boyer as full-time Police Officer 

18-48 Resolution authorizing the purchase order list as set by the Fiscal Offcier 

18-47 Resolution authorizing purchase of turnout gear for Fire Department 

18-46 Resolution authorizing hiring of six full time firefighter/medics 

19-45 Resolution authorizing hiring of two police officers 

18-44 Resolution authorizing administrator to sign contract for STD coverage 

18-43 Resolution authorizing permanent appropriations 

To view Permanent Appropriations Click Here

18-42 Resolution approving PO List 

18-41 Resolution promoting Detective Jamie Mays to Sergant 

18-37 Resolution allowing disposal of old copiers via Gov Deals and EMA 

18-36 Resolution to accept donation of 2042 Tuley Road 

18-35 Resolution approving payment to BCEO for 2017 signal maintenance 

18-34 Resolution approving Fire Department purchase of swift water rescue equipment 

18-33 Resolution approving indigent burial 

18-32 Resolution approving contract with Night Owl Cleaning Service for Police and Admin 

18-31 Resolution approving purchase and replacement of ceiling tiles at Fire HQ 211 

19-30 Resolution approving open PO balances 

18-29 Resolution reappointing Jason Austerman to FTZC 

18-27 Resolution approving payment to CareWorksComp for TPA of BWC 

18-25 Resolution authorizing contract with Woodhull for lease of copiers and plotter 

18-24 Resolution approving purchase of SCBA for the Fire Department 

18-23 Resolution approving 2018 Butler County Recycling and Solid Waste Management Plan 

To view a copy of the final document visit http://www.butlercountyrecycles.org/

18-22 Resolution approving Bastin Modification Agreement to include CIC audit 

18-21 Resolution allowing Administrator to apply for $83,140 funding from the Storm Water Cost Share Program 

18-20 Resolution to hire three part time fire fighters 

18-19 Resolution appointing resident DeeDee Ollis to the FTZA 

18-18 Resolution approving open PO balances 

18-17 Resolution to authorize purchase of snow plow truck for Service Department 

18-16 Resolution approving purchase of four Police Officer vests 

18-15 Resolution approving 2018 Paving List 

To view Paving List Click Here

18-14 Resolution approving PO List 

18-13 Resolution appointing Trustee Joe McAbee to the TID Board for a Two Year Term 

18-12 Resolution adopting Competitive Bid Process 

Bid contracts to be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with Ohio Revised Code §9.312(C)

18-100 Resolution approving repairs to be done on the Service Department mow trim in the amount of $14,565.37 by Zimmer Tractor 

18-11 Resolution approving contract for Legal Services with Lawrence Barbiere for one year 

18-10 Resolution adopting and approving a PO Process 

18-09 Resolution establishing terms for FTZA and FTZC 

18-08 Resolution establishing members for Firefighters Fund Board 

18-07 Resolution appointing Trustee Susan Berding to the EMA Advisory Board 

18-06 Resolution appointing Trustee Shannon Hartkemeyer to the JEDD Board 

18-05 Resolution setting the Holiday Schedule for 2018 

18-04 Resolution setting Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule 

18-03 Resolution establishing the per diem rate 

18-02 Resolution establishing mileage rate 

18-01 Resolution rehiring all township employees for 2018

Resolution 19-161 authorizing a pay raise for Dianne French as FT Assistant Administrator 

Resolution 19-160 authorizing the Chief of Police to execute an MOU with Butler Tech for SRO position 

Resolution 19-159 allowing maximum payment of $50,000 towards Veterans Memorial Project and authorizing request of $218,000 to the state capital budget 

Resolution 19-158 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-157 authorizing the transfer of Gilmore Road land to the CIC 

Resolution 19-156 approving purchase of a 2019 Ford F-450 truck for the Service Department 

Resolution 19-155 re-appointing Trustee Joe McAbee to the TID Board for a two year term 

Resolution 19-154 authorizing appointment of PT Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Bradford 

Resolution 19-153 authorizing appointment of PT Firefighter/Paramedic Andrew Jones 

Resolution 19-152 authorizing purchase of Employee Dishonesty and Faithful Performance of Duty policy 

Resolution 19-151 amending Permanent Appropriations (encumber RID funds) 

Resolution 19-150 adopting 2020 Permanent Appropriations 

Resolution 19-149 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-148 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-147 appointing Noelle Sizemore as Full Time Finance Manager 

Resolution 19-146 providing for refinancing of TID GO Bond 

Resolution 19-145 authorizing administrator to enter into a purchase agreement for Gilmore Road Land 

Resolution 19-144 authorizing debt service payment 

Resolution 19-143 authorizing debt service payment 

Resolution 19-142 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-141 approving zone change as set forth in FTZC19-05C 

Resolution 19- 140 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-139 approving service agreement for Emergency Networking for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-138 authorizing purchase of equipment for pocket park on Tuley /Fairfax Road 

Resolution 19-137 approving pay raise for Nathan Wall in the Zoning Department 

Resolution 19-136 authorizing debt service payment to the Bank of New York Mellon 

Resolution 19-135 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 19-134 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties 

Resolution 19-133 approving contract with Perfection Group for new heating and AC at Admin Building 

19-132 approving installation of equipment for tree new Police Department SUV's from P & R Communication 

Resolution 19-131 approving purchase of three in car camera systems and software from Watchguard for new Police Department SUV's 

Resolution 19-130 approving the Township to enter into commercial card account agreement with Huntington Bank 

Resolution 19-128 authorizing payment to Butler County for the Gilmore Road round about 

Resolution 19-127 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties 

Resolution 19-126 authorizing Administrator to enter into contract with T.R. Gear Landscaping for the Princeton Road medians 

Resolution 19-125 approving purchase of fire hose for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-124 amending the 2019 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 19-123 approving Genesis rescue equipment for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-122 approving purchase of miscellaneous fire equipment 

Resolution 19-121 approving purchase of 2020 E-One fire engine 

Resolution 19-120 approving purchase of tiger boom mower attachment for tractor 

Resolution 19-119 approving the purchase of John Deere Cab Tractor for the Service Department 

Resolution 19-118 authorizing pay raise for Jeff Gray in the Service Department 

Resolution 19-117 authorizing pay raise for Tanner Timler in the Service Department 

Resolution 19-116 authorizing pay raise for Dianne French 

Resolution 19-115 authorizing the administrator to apply for CDBG Grant for a Tuley Road pocket park 

Resolution 19-114 authorizing administrator to apply for CDBG Grant - Fairfax Sewer Project 

Resolution 19-113 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-112 appointing full time firefighter/paramedic Brennan Berter 

Resolution 19-111 accepting proposal from Stephenson Consulting for purpose of a Design-Build Service Dept Building 

Resolution 19-110 authorizing nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-109 entering into contract with TR Gear for medical landscape maintenance along Princeton Road 

Resolution 19-108 resolution allowing Township to participate in Ohio Coop Purchasing Program 

Resolution 19-107 disbursing 25% TIF payment to Fairfield City Schools 

Resolution 19-106 approving purchase of new ambulance for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-105 accepting grant used to purchase particulate hoods for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-104 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-103 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-102 authorizing Administrator to execute necessary documents slowing transfer of property to the CIC 

Resolution 19-101 authorizing tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT Joshua Lentz 

Resolution 19-100 appointing part time Firefighter/Paramedic Cody Helmuth to the Fairfield Township Fire Department 

Resolution 19-99 authorizing renewal of insurance through OTARMA 

Resolution 19-98 authorizing open PO balances 

Resolution 19-97 approving walking path creation at Shafers Run Park 

Resolution 19-96 approving tennis court repairs at Shafers Run Park 

Resolution 19-95 authorizing appointment of part time Firefighter/EMT Robert Popp to the Fairfield Township Fire Department 

Resolution 19-94 approving $5/hour raise for the Fairfield Township Police Department property room clerk 

Resolution 19-93 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-92 amending 2019 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 19-91 authorizing Phase II curb and gutter repairs not to exceed $44,999 

Resolution 19-90 approve repair of Fire Engine 213 

Resolution 19-89 approving purchase of tasers for the Fairfield Township Police Department 

Resolution 19-88 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-87 authorizing donation of Administration Sign to Indian Springs Baptist Church 

Resolution 19-86 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-85 approving requested zone change for FTZC19-3C 

Resolution 19-84 adopting the Fiscal Year 2020 Tax Budget 

Resolution 19-83 initiating zoning resolution amendment process 

Resolution 19-82 ordering nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-81 authorizing purchase of playground equipment from Playworld to complete Shafers Run Park 

Resolution 19-80 approving updates to Township Personnel Policy 

Resolution 19-79 authorizing a Then and Now PO for Rumpke (Clean up Day) 

Resolution 19-78 approve purchase of electronic door locks for park bathrooms 

Resolution 19-77 authorizing appointment of part time Firefighter/EMT Bryce Sadler 

Resolution 19-76 appointment of part time Firefighter/EMT Dominic Bruno 

Resolution 19-75 authorizing appointment of full time Firefighter Christopher Ferguson 

Resolution 19-74 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-73 authorizing Administrator to sign renewal of Healthcare benefits 

Resolution 19-72 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-71 authorizing transfer of leather police belts to Butler Tech 

Resolution 19-70 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-69 amending permanent appropriations 

Resolution 19-68 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-67 authorizing Administrator to advertise and refer part time seasonal Service Department employees 

Resolution 19-66 authorizing the Administrator to apply for the 2019 Natureworks reimbursement grant 

Resolution 19-65 authorizing Administrator to enter into a contract with Curry and Sons for drainage work at Shafer's Run Park 

Resolution 19-64 authorizing the purchase of mowing equipment for the Service Department 

Resolution 19-63 authorizing curb and gutter work not to exceed $44,999 

Resolution 19-62 authorizing durapatch work not to exceed $44,999 

Resolution 19-61 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-60 authorizing a Then and Now PO for crack seal work 

Resolution 19-59 declaring nuisance and authorizing abatement 

Resolution 19-58 authorizing payment of $500 for an indigent burial 

Resolution 19-57 authorizing commission payment of $4,500 to Troutman Real Estate 

Resolution 19-56 authorizing 25% TIF payment to Fairfield City Schools 

Resolution 19-55 authorizing debt service payment 

Resolution 19-54 authorizing debt service payment 

Resolution 19-53 authorizing debt service payment 

Resolution 19-52 correcting Fund Number for EMS Physician Payment 

Resolution 19-51 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-50 authorizing the appointment of Meghan Robinson to the Police Department 

Resolution 19-49 authorizing the appointment of Thomas Altman as an EMT/Fire fighter 

Resolution 19-48 authorizing the appointment of Collin Lawson as an EMT/Fire Fighter 

Resolution 19-47 authorizing repair for fire engine 211 

Resolution 19-46 approving median landscaping on Princeton Road 

Resolution 19-45 approving $500 payment for indigent burial 

Resolution 19-44 approving addendum to SWOCA contract 

Resolution 19-43 approving and entering into an agreement with Huntington Bank 

Resolution 19-42 approving purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-41 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 19-40 authorizing demo of house on Parkamo 

Resolution 19-39 authorizing purchase of plymovent system fro Fire Station 211 

Resolution 19-38 approving purchase order balances 

Resolution 19-37 authorizing purchase of nomex hoods for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-36 authorizing the Fire Chief to purchase 15 sets of Turn Out Gear 

Resolution 19-35 authorizing Chief of Police to purchase scheduling software 

Resolution 19-34 approving payment to Miami Valley Crime Lab 

Resolution 19-33 approving amended Paving List for 2019 

Resolution 19-32 authorizing appointment of part time Fire Fighter Savannah Conrad 

Resolution 19-31 approving purchase orders 

Resolution 19-30 approving purchase of three Ford Interceptor SUV's for the Police Department 

Resolution 19-29 approving installation of two LED signs 

Resolution 19-28 approving purchase of plow truck for the Service Department 

Resolution 19-27 authorizing purchase of rifles for the Police Department 

Resolution 19-26 authorizing employment of part time firefighter Adam Morath 

Resolution 19-25 authorizing administrator to execute contract with UC Physicians as Medical Director for the Fire Department 

Resolution 19-24 authorizing administrator to execute salt contract with BCEO 

Resolution 19-23 approving open PO balances 

Resolution 19-22 authorizing appointment of full time fire fighter Greg Hoelle 

Resolution 19-21 authorizing appointment of full time Police Officer Meghan Robinson 

Resolution 19-20 authorizing repair and assessment of sidewalk 

Resolution 19-19 advance funds back to General Fund from TIF Fund 2903 

Resolution 19-18 establishing and approving updated Zoning Fee Schedule 

Resolution 19-17 establishing PO process for 2019 

Resolution 19-16 adopting new Credit Card Policy 

Click here for copy of credit card policy

Resolution 19-15 authorizing spending limit for Administrator 

Resolution 19-14 executing contract with Lawrence Barbiere for legal services 

Resolution 19-13 reappointing Cheryl Ledbetter as alternate on FTZC 

Resolution 19-12 appointing Greg Philpot as member of FTZC 

Resolution 19-11 appointing Karla Chaney as member of FTZA 

Resolution 19-10 declaring intent to reimburse for temporary advances from subsequent borrowing for capital expenditurues 

Resolution 19-09 accepting bid from Vickers for demolition of six land bank properties 

Resolution 19-08 approving repair of fire engine 211 

Resolution 19-07 designating township roads for 2019 paving 

Click here for 2019 Paving List

Resolution 19-06 approving purchase orders 

Resolution 19-05 establishing mileage rate 

Resolution 19-04 authorizing per diem rate 

Resolution 19-03 appointing volunteers to the Firefighters Fund Board 

Resolution 19-02 setting Township 2019 holiday schedule 

Resolution 19-01 setting 2019 Board of Trustee Meetings

Resolution 20-195 authorizing purchase of automatic door operators for the air lock doors located at Administration Building and Fire Station 

Resolution 20-194 approving purchase of automatic door openers for the Administration Building, fire stations, police station and new service department 

Resolution 20-193 approving purchase of one in-car camera system for PD F-250 

Resolution 20-192 declaring nuisance & ordering abatement on properties listed below 

Resolution 20-191 approving Fairfield Township and Fairfield City School district tax increment finance exemptions 

Resolution 20-190 declaring to be public purpose certain public improvements which are necessary for the further development and authorizing the tax incentive agreement and establishing a tax increment equivalent fund 

Resolution 20-189 approving debt payment for the repayment of the $5 million dollar general obligation bond 

Resolution 20-188 approving debt service payment for general obligation refunding bond 

Resolution 20-187 approving debt service payment 

Resolution 20-186 approving debt service payment for TID Bond #1 

Resolution 20-185 approving administrator to execute contract with Standard Company for short term disability coverage 

Resolution 20-184 amending resolution 20-128 to state that EMS supplies will be purchased up front with a 90% reimbursement 

Resolution 20-183 approving payment for the removal of an improperly granted Zoning Permit 

Resolution 20-182 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-181 declaring nuisance & order abatement on properties listed below 

Resolution 20-180 appointing full-time Service Department employee 

Resolution 20-179 appointing a full-time Service Department Employee 

Resolution 20-178 approving appointment of part-time firefighter/EMT 

Resolution 20-177 authorizing administrator to apply for CDBG grant for Pater Ave 

Resolution 20-176 approving appointment of full-time police officer 

Resolution 20- 175 approving appointment of full-time police officer 

Resolution 20-174 approving the promotion of Police Officer to Sergeant 

Resolution 20-173A approving resolution to amend 2020 Permanent Appropriations 

Resolution 20-173 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-172 approving of 6 mobile laptop computers for new PD vehicles 

Resolution 20-171 approving purchase of 6 mobile laptops for new PD Interceptors 

Resolution 20-170 approving purchase of graphics & lettering from Danco for 7 police interceptors 

Resolution 20-169 approving purchase of emergency lights, sirens and labor for Ford F-250 Truck from P&R Communications for the PD 

Resolution 20-168 approving purchase of 2021 Ford F-250 Truck from Beechmont Ford for PD 

Resolution 20-167 approving purchase of 6 Stalker Radar Units from Applied Concepts for SUV Interceptors 

Resolution 20-166 approving purchase of emergency lights sirens prisoner transport seat/barrier from P&R Communications for PD 

Resolution 20-165 approving purchase of 6- 2021 Ford SUVs Interceptors from Beechmont Ford 

Resolution 20-164 approving purchase of emergency warning & equipment to outfit 4 Ford F-150 trucks from Tri-State Pubic Safety 

20-163 approving purchase of 4- 2021 F-150 from Beechmont Ford 

Resolution 20-162 approving purchase of Leads Line Access from Ohio Leads for PD 

Resolution 20-161 approving purchase of Criminal Livescan Booking Station for ID Networks 

Resolution 20-160 approving purchase of turnout gear for FD 

Resolution 20-159 approving purchase of 8 portable vents for FD from Bound Tree 

Resolution 20-158 approving purchase of Lucas 3 chest compression device from Stryker 

Resolution 20-157 approving purchases for MSA mask adaptors and filters from Vogelpohl 

Resolution 20-156 declaring nuisance & order abatement on properties listed 

Resolution 20-155 approving observance for Halloween 

Resolution 20-154 dispersement to Fairfield City School District 

Resolution 20-153 repairing storm sewer piping on Citation Drive 

Resolution 20-152 approving repair of storm sewer piping on Dust Commander Drive from T. S. Garnett Construction 

Resolution 20-151 approving an alternate member for the Fairfield Township Zoning Appeals Board 

Resolution 20-150 approving a regular member for the Fairfield Township Zoning Appeals Board 

Resolution 20-149 appointing a new Zoning Inspector 

Resolution 20-148 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-147 declaring nuisance & order abatement on properties listed 

Resolution 20-146 approving Police Department to use OACP for assessment & testing services for sergeant position 

Resolution 20-145 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 20-144 declaring nuisance & order abatement on properties listed 

Resolution 20-143 authorizing Administrator to execute contract J.T. Lohrer Construction for boring under Gilmore Road for sewer extension 

Resolution 20-142 contract for new zoning software 

Resolution 20-141 authorizing project agreement w/ Butler County Board of Commissioners for the administration of the Fairfax Ave. Sewer Project 

Resolution 20-140 approving a part-time resource officer 

Resolution 20-139 approving transfer of items of equipment from Fairfield Township Police Department to Butler Tech 

Resolution 20-138 approving firefighter/EMT for paramedic tuition program and authorizing payment to Cincinnati Fire Department Paramedic Program 

Resolution 20-137 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-136 *Tabled* declaring nuisance & order abatement on properties listed 

Resolution 20-135 approving to amend the 2020 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 20-134 authorizing Administrator to execute agreement w/Butler Tech ambulance exchange training services program 

Resolution 20-133 approving full time Police Clerk 

Resolution 20-132 approving part-time firefighter/EMT 

Resolution 20-131 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 20-130 approving recommended Zoning Commission requested zone change FTZC20-1C 

Resolution 20-129 declaring nuisance & order abatement on listed properties 

Resolution 20-128 authorizing match funds for AFG Grant 

Resolution 20-127 authorizing sanitary line extension on Gilmore Road 

Resolution 20-126 accepting BCEO bud recommendation for Gilmore Road Widening Project 

Resolution 20-125 amending the 2020 appropriations 

Resolution 20-124 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-123 authorizing nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-122 approving PT Firefighter/EMT 

Resolution 20-121 adopting text amendments to Zoning Resolution 

Resolution 20-120 approving Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-119 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-118 authorizing indigent cremation payment to Funeral Home 

Resolution 20-117 

Resolution 20-116 

Resolution 20-115 

Resolution 20-114 

Resolution 20-113 

Resolution 20-112 

Resolution 20-111 

Resolution 20-110 

Resolution 20-109 

Resolution 20-108 

Resolution 20-107 

Resolution 20-106 

Resolution 20-105 

Resolution 20-104 authorizing Administrator to sign renewal contracts for healthcare benefits 

Resolution 20-103 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 20-102 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-101 affirming expenditure of CARES Funds 

Resolution 20-100 approving appointment of Trevor Kinch as a FT Service Department employee 

Resolution 20-99 approving appointment of PT Crime & Prevention/Community Policing Specialist Darryl Prewitt 

Resolution 20-98 approving Phase II curb & gutter repairs Sam & Mike Neal 

Resolution 20-97 approving contract with Anago Cleaning Systems for the PD and Admin 

Resolution 20-96 approving pay raise for employees 

Resolution 20-95 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-94 TABLED 

Resolution 20-93 TABLED 

Resolution 20-92 TABLED 

Resolution 20-91 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-90 authorizing Administrator to post advertisement for a FT Police Clerk 

Resolution 20-89 appointing Benjamin Gunderson as intern 

Resolution 20-88 authorizing Administrator to execute all necessary documents to renew coverage with OTARMA through Clark-Reders/Risksource 

Resolution 20-87 authorizing Administrator to execute agreement with teh Butler County EMA Cooperative Program 

Resolution 20-86 approving repair of fire engine #211 from Specialty Truck Repair 

Resolution 20-85 approving purchase orders 

Resolution 20-84 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-83 approving debt service payment for GO Refunding Bond 

Resolution 20-82 approving contract renewal with Stryker for the Fire Department (cots/Lucas Devices) 

Resolution 20-81 approving equipment & munitions to conduct scenario based training for the Police Department 

Resolution 20-80 approving Then & Now PO Phase I curb & gutter repair 

Resolution 20-79 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 20-78 approving issuance of general obligation various purpose bonds and declaring an emergency

Resolution 20-77 Issuance and sale of general obligation improvement bonds for public worksuilding

Resolution 20-76 Issuance and sale of general obligation improvement bonds for Gilmore Road Widening Project

Resolution 20-75 Issuance and sale of general obligation bonds for Police Department remodel

Resolution 20-74 accepting proposal from Stephenson Consulting and authorizing Administrator to execute criteria engineer contract for purpose of a Design Build Police Department remodel and expansion 

Resolution 20-73 approving Administrator to execute contract for sanitary sewer extension not to exceed $37,000 

Resolution 20-72 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-71 

Resolution 20-70 

Resolution 20-69 

Resolution 20-68 

Resolution 20-67 

Resolution 20-66 approving debt service to US Bank for TIF road projects 

Resolution 20-65 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 20-64 resolution to disperse funds for the 25% TIF Fairfield City Schools distribution 

Resolution 20-63 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 20-62 approving Administrator to pursue the issuance of debt up to a maximum of $5 million with Huntington Bank for a period not to exceed 5 years at a rate acceptable to the Board of Trustees for a combination of projects 

Resolution 20-60 requesting zone change by First Church of God #FTZC20-1C HOLD 

Resolution 20-59 approving crack seal purchase from DJL not to exceed $8,000 

Resolution 20-58 approving Administrator to execute contract with CUC for the remodel and addition to the current Police Department building not to exceed $1.5 million 

Resolution 20-57 approving Administrator to execute contract with CUC for building of new public works building not exceed $2.5 million 

Resolution 20-56 approving purchase of 16 structural fire coats and fire pants from Phoenix Safety Outfitters 

Resolution 20-55 approving purchase of 90 pairs of structural firefighting gloves and 15 sets of structural boots from Phoenix Safety Outfitters 

Resolution 20-54 approving purchase of 15 Cairns fire helmets from the Fire Store 

Resolution 20-53 approving Administrator to execute an agreement with Butler County Engineer and the North Fairfield Baptist Church 

Resolution 20-52 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 20-51 approving hire of Part Time firefighter/EMT Matthew Green 

Resolution 20-50 approving hire of part time firefighter/EMT Andrew Robeson 

Resolution 20-49 approving contract with Katherine Barbiere 

Resolution 20-48 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on listed properties 

Resolution 20-47 approving purchase of four 2020 Ford Explorer SUV for PD from Lebanon Ford 

Resolution 20-46 approving repair of Medic 212 from McCluskey Chevrolet 

Resolution 20-45 approving open purchase orders 

Resolution 20-44 approving purchase of 3 mobile laptop computer 

Resolution 20-43 approving Fire Department to submit an assistance to Firefighters Grant request 

Resolution 20-42 approving paramedic tuition payment to firefighter/EMT-B to Savannah Conrad 

Resolution 20-41 prohibiting excessive noise in the Township 

Resolution 20-40 approving hire of part time firefighter/EMT Ian Schomaker 

Resolution 20-39 approving Cheryl Ledbetter to move from alternate to regular member of the Fairfield Township Zoning Commission 

Resolution 20-38 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties listed 

Resolution 20-37 approving open purchase order balances 

Resolution 20-36 approving appointment of full time police officer Rui Dutra 

Resolution 20-35 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on listed properties 

Resolution 20-34 approving initiation of the Fairfield Township Resolution Amendment Process 

Resolution 20-33 authorizing Administrator to apply for $360,000 from the Butler County Storm water District Large Water Grant Program 

Resolution 20-32 approving repair of fire engine #212 from Cummins Sales

Resolution 20-31 authorizing Administrator to execute salt contract with Butler County Engineers for 2020-2021 winter season 

Resolution 20-30 approving purchase of hydraulic breaker with nail point from Bobcat 

Resolution 20-29 approving purchase of 24 foot planer 

Resolution 20-28 approving purchase of three vests for new police officers 

Resolution 20-27 approving 2020 annual invoice payment to Miami Valley Regional Crime Lab 

Resolution 19-26 approving open Purchase Orders 

Resolution 20-25 declaring nuisance and authorizing abatement on listed properties 

Resolution 20-24 Township roads for bids - FIRST READING 

Resolution 20-23 authorizing Administrator to execute three year contract for VOIP with SWOCA 

Resolution 20-22 approving purchase of two Lucas 3 chest compression devices and accessories 

Resolution 20-21 appointing Bernard Kampsen as alternate member of Township Zoning Commission for term of one year 

Resolution 20-20 appointing Denise McCoy as an alternate member of Township Zoning Appeals Board for a term of one year 

Resolution 20-19 reappointing Cheryl Ledbetter as alternate member of Township Zoning Commission for term of 1 year 

Resolution 20-18 reappointing DeeDee Ollis as Township Zoning Commission for five year term 

Resolution 20-17 reappointing Jim Lupidi as Township Zoning Appeals Board for five year term 

Resolution 20-16 authorize Administrator to execute a contract for legal services 

Resolution 20-15 authorizing hiring of part time firefighter/EMT Aaron Foley 

Resolution 20-14 authorizing hiring of part time firefighter/EMT Braeden Johnson 

Resolution 20-13 approving purchase order balances 

Resolution 20-12 approving hiring of full time police officer Scyler Livelsburger 

Resolution 20-11 approving hiring of full time police officer Alexander Rousch 

Resolution 20-10 approving hiring full time police officer Scott Singleton 

Resolution 20-09 establishing Township Competitive Bidding process 

Resolution 20-08 approving the Administrator to execute all purchases and contracts for amounts equal to or less than $5,000 

Resolution 20-07 approving and establishing 2020 Zoning Fee Schedule 

Resolution 20-06 approving Holiday Schedule 

Resolution 20-05 approving Township Board of Trustee 2020 regular meetings 

Resolution 20-04 approving daily per diem rate 

Resolution 20-03 establishing reimbursement rate 

Resolution 20-02 approving Township Fiscal Officer salary 

Resolution 20-01 approving Trustee salaries 

Resolution 20-168 approving purchase of 2021 Ford F-250 Truck for the PD

The Importance of Public Meetings in Ohio Townships

The Board is committed to conducting business openly and transparently. The Fairfield Township Board of Trustees holds Regular Meetings at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month in the Township Administration Building, 6032 Morris Road. These meetings are open to the public, recorded and shown LIVE on You Tube. Meetings will begin to be uploaded to an online video tab on this website. In addition, meeting minutes are posted, and records requests can be used and will be answered in a reasonable amount of time as explained by the ORC.

Sunshine Laws are an extremely important part of business and a critical piece related to public meetings.  To learn more about the Sunshine Laws please CLICK HERE

During meetings the Trustees hold a portion dedicated to those who would like to speak.  The Communication Agenda item reads as follows:

"This is the Portion of the meeting where you, the residents of Fairfield Township, are invited to share your thoughts with the Board. Please know that this time has been set aside from the Board to listen to you. Your comments are valued and will be taken into careful consideration.  The Board will not engage in dialogue at this time. Presentations are limited to three (3) minutes each.

Meetings for Boards have been created for the sole purpose of BOARD WORK AND INTERACTION.  Instant Board Feedback is usually not able or supposed to happen. Outside communication during meetings is actually NOT a required part of meetings, but as a Board, the policy of three (3) minutes for concise communication has been a valued part of the meetings.  Feedback will typically occur the following day from Administration.

Resolution 21-168 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-167 accepting One Ohio Subdivision Opioid Settlement MOU

Resolution 21-166 resolution approving ordinance for barking dogs

Resolution 21-165 authorizing Administrator to execute MOU for dispatch services with BS Sheriff's Office

Resolution 21-164 approving sale/auction of equipment

Resolution 21-163 approving sale/auction of vehicles

Resolution 21-162 approving appointment of PT firefighter/EMT Chad Comarata

Resolution 21-161 adopting 2022 Permanent Appropriations

Resolution 21-160 approving 1% pay increase for Administrator

Resolution 21-159 approving 1% pay raise for non-contract employees

Resolution 21-158 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-157 approving appointment of FT Police Officer Ryan Roach

Resolution 21-156 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-155 authorizing Administrator to execute contract with George Glover

Resolution 21-154 appointing Joe McAbee as a member of the TID Board

Resolution 21-153 approving appointment of PT firefighter/EMT Eric Rolls

Resolution 21-152 approving debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 21-151 approving debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 21-150 approving debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 21-149 approving debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 21-148 approving payment payment for indigent burial

Resolution 21-147 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 21-146 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-145 approving three year Stryker maintenance contract for the Fire Department

Resolution 21-144 approving payment for indigent cremation

Resolution 21-143 approving open Purchase Order balances

Resolution 21-142 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-141 authorizing appointment of PT Fire Fighter/EMT Steven Money

Resolution 21-140 imposing a moratorium of one year for medical marijuana

Resolution 21-139 authorizing the Administrator to apply for the CDBG grant for Pater Avenue Storm Sewer

Resolution 21-138 approving open Purchase Order balances

Resolution 21-137 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-136 authorizing Administrator to execute collective bargaining agreement with the FOP

Resolution 21-135 authorizing payment for Gov Pilot software

Resolution 21-134 authorizing SWOCA to provide additional wireless capability outside the PD

Resolution 21-133 authorizing 6682 Spring Meadow Drive to be secured

Resolution 21-132 approving TIF payments to Fairfield City Schools

Resolution 21-131 amending the permanent appropriations

Resolution 21-130 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-129 approving the appointment of part time firefighter/EMT Andrew Maurer

Resolution 21-128 authorizing payments for paving to Jurgenson

Resolution 21-127 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-126 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-125 approving repairs on Medic 212

Resolution 21-124 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-123 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-122 accepting material terms of the One Ohio Subdivision Settlement

Resolution 21-121 awarding paramedic tuition

Resolution 21-120 approving resignation from Police Department

Resolution 21-119 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-118 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-117 approving Administrator contract

Resolution 21-116 approving transfer of Radar units from the Police Department to Butler Tech

Resolution 21-115 approving transfer of taser cartridges from the Police Department to Butler Tech

Resolution 21-114 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-113 approving FTZC21-3C zone change (NVR)

Resolution 21-112 approving FTZC21-2C zone change (MI Homes)

Resolution 21-111 authorizing nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-110 authorizing 2025 Milton Street to be secured

Resolution 21-109 authorizing 2026 Exeter Street to be secured

Resolution 21-108 authorizing 1916 King Avenue to be secured

Resolution 21-107 authorizing 1926 Tuley Road to be secured

Resolution 21-106 authorizing the auction of 2021 McCoy Miller Squad

Resolution 21-105 approving gateway signs

Resolution 21-104 adopting the Fiscal Year 2022 Tax Budget

To view Tax Budget please Click Here

Resolution 21-103 authorizing appointment of Full-Time Firefighter/EMT Albert Lloyd as Fire Inspector

Resolution 21-102 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 21-101 authorizing nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-100 authorizing seal and stripe work for Township parking lots and walking paths

Resolution 21-99 approving payment to EMA for Cooperative Program 

Resolution 21-98 approving Michael Jodrey as an alternate member of the FTZA expiring 1/21/22

Resolution 21-97 approving Joseph Stratzer as a member of the FTZA expiring 1/31/23

Resolution 21-96 approving Humana Healthcare insurance renewal

Resolution 21-95 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-94 authorizing cyber insurance renewal

Resolution 21-93 approving purchase of new flooring for Administration Building

Resolution 21-92 approving payment to Sedgwick for TPA Services for BWC

Resolution 21-91 approving disposal of Township property

Resolution 21-90 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-89 declaring nuisance and declaring abatement

Resolution 21-88 renewing OTARMA coverage

Resolution 21-87 initiating payment to CIC

Resolution 21-86 authorizing Administrator to apply for CDBG-CV Grant for air quality/ventilation system improvements

Resolution 21-85 authorizing Administrator to apply for CDBG-CV Grant for Milton Road Park

Resolution approving 21-83 approving summer intern

Resolution 21-81 appointing summer intern

Resolution 21-80 approving appointment of Fire Department Administrative Administrative Kay Hilvert

Resolution 21-78 approving Then and Now Purchase Order for Curb and Gutter

Resolution 21-77 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-76 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-75 approving purchase of two golf carts

Resolution 21-74 approving request for BCEO to conduct a traffic study

Resolution 21-73 approving debt service payment

Resolution 21-72 approving debt service payment

Resolution 21-71 approving debt service payment

Resolution 21-70 approving debt service payment

Resolution 21-69 approving purchase orders

Resolution 21-68 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-67 approving Then & Now PO for Rumpke invoice from Spring Clean-Up Day

Resolution 21-66 approving initiation of the Fairfield Township Zoning resolution amendment process

Resolution 21-65 approving purchase of AV equipment for the Fire Department

Resolution 21-64 authorizing TIF payment

Resolution 21-63 requesting advancement of taxes

Resolution 21-62 amending the 2021 permanent appropriations

Resolution 21-61 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-60 approving FTZC21-1C Johnson's Market

Resolution 21-59 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-58 approving appointment of Firefighter/EMT Drake Oros

Resolution 21-57 approving appointment of Firefighter/EMT Ryan Logan

Resolution 21-56 approving purchase evidence drying bin for the Police Department

Resolution 21-55 approving purchase of new AC unit for the Police Department

Resolution 21-54 approving purchase of ammunition for the Police Department

Resolution 21-53 approving agreement with Butler Tech donating equipment in exchange for training services

Resolution 21-52 approving Administrative Assistant position for the Fire Department

Resolution 21-51 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 21-50 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-49 approving disposal of Police Department furniture and equipment

Resolution 21-48 approving 2% raises for employees who have completed probationary period

Resolution 21-47 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 21-46 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-45 authorizing BCEO to manage Princeton Road culvert replacement

Resolution 21-44 approving additional parking spaces behind Admin for Heroes Park

Resolution 21-43 ODNR Clean Ohio Trails Grant - TABLED

Resolution 21-42 appointing Garrett Hawkins to the Public Works Department

Resolution 21-41 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 21-40 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-39 approving Small Business Subgrant program with Butler County

Resolution 21-38 approving execution of MOU with Metroparks

Resolution 21-37 approving Administrator to enter into contract with T.R.Gear for Princeton Road median maintenance

Resolution 21-36 approving Open Purchase Order Balances

Resolution 21-35 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-34 authorizing Police Chief to hire Regina Leist as FT police clerk

Resolution 21-33 authorizing sale or auction of obsolete vehicles

Resolution 21-32 approving purchase of Thermal Imaging Camera for the Fire Department

Resolution 21-31 authorizing Administator to execute salt contract with BCEO

Resolution 21-30 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 21-29 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-28 approving purchase of 2020 Ford Explorer fof Public Works

Resolution 21-27 allowing Fiscal Office to pay BCW&S for Gilmore Road maintenance bond

Resolution 21-26 approving crack seal not to exceed $8,500

Resolution 21-25  designating Township roads for paving bids

Resolution 21-24 approving Administrator to execute contract with Dell for Microsoft 365 licensing

Resolution 21-23 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-22 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 21-21 approving purchase of 19 body worn cameras from WatchGuard

Resolution 21-20 authorizing Administrator to execute contract with LJB, Inc for Indian Meadows bike path study

Resolution 21-19 approving repair of engine 212 for the FD

Resolution 21-18 approving repair of Ford Interceptor for the PD

Resolution 21-17 approving appointment of Joseph Statzer as an alternate member of the FTZA

Resolution 21-16 approving appointment of Mike Oler as a member of the FTZA

Resolution 21-15 approving appointment of Bernard Kampsen as an alternate member of the FTZC

Resolution 21-14 approving appointment of Peter Bohrofen as a member of the FTZC

Resolution 21-13 approving renewal of contract with Medicount

Resolution 21-12 approving appointment of FT public works employee Thomas Shannon

Resolution 21-11 approving appointment of FT police officer Adam Allen Green

Resolution 21-10 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 21-09 establishing Township competitive bidding process

Resolution 21-08 approving Administrator to execute all purchases and contracts for amounts equal to or les than $5,000

Resolution 21-07 establishing and approving zoning fee schedule

Resolution 21-06 setting Township holiday schedule

Resolution 21-05 establishing the Trustee Meeting calendar

Resolution 21-04 approving daily Per Diem rate

Resolution 21-03 approving mileage rate as set by the IRS

Resolution 21-02 approving Fiscal Officer salary as established by the ORC

17-136 Resolution to contract with CEC for Graceworks site work 

17-135 Resolution appointing Shelly Schultz as Fiscal Officer 

17-134 Resolution approving 2018 Temporary Appropriations 

2018 Temporary Appropriations



17-133 Resolution appointing Julie Vonderhaar as TID Alternate 

17-132 Resolution authorizing BOE to manage Greenlawn Water Shed Study 

17-131 Resolution to consider MI Homes Zone Change 

17-130 Resolution naming Sunesis for demo bid 

17-129 Resolution appointing Joe McAbee to the TID Board 

17-128 Resolution to approve hiring of PT Fire employee 

17-127 Resolution approving contract with Zoll 

17-126 Resolution approving contract with Miami Valley Crime Lab 

17-125 Resolution approving indigent burial 

17-124 Resolution approving Dr. Mital to Land Bank 

17-123 Resolution approving promotion of Brandon McCroskey to Sargeant 

17-122 Resolution appointing Deputy Fiscal Officer Patty Moore 

17-121 Resolution authoring tire purchase for engine in FD 

17-120 Resolution authoring repairs for engine in FD 

17-119 Resolution advancing money to TIF Fund 2903 

17-118 Resolution repaying advance from Bullet Proof Vest grant 

17-117 Resolution repaying EMS Grant Advance 

17-116 Resolution amending appropriations 

17-115 Resolution authorizing raise for Dianne French 

17-114 Resolution to include base work in 2017 paving 

17-113 Resolution for pre-engineering on Princeton Road 

17-112 Resolution regarding Greenlawn Watershed Study 

17-111 Resolution to repay advance for Litter Management Grant 

17-110 Resolution authorizing new windows for Police Building 

17-109 Resolution authorizing equipment for police vehicles 

17-108 Resolution for nuisance and abatement 

17-107 Resolution hiring Chuck Goins as Zoning Administrator 

17-105 Resolution appointing Mike Oler to the FTZA Board 

17-104 Resolution promoting Doug Lanier to Police Captain 

17-103 Resolution authorizing raise for Patty Moore 

17-102 Resolution moving Jason Austerman from FTZC alternate to permanent member 

17-101 Reappointment of Donna Irving to FTZA 

17-100 Resolution regarding signing for Graceworks property 

17-99 Resolution regarding Reimbursement Regulations 

17-98 Resolution authorizing reinstatement of PD employee Tina Coy 

17-97 PD Authorization to use OACP for Sergeant position 

17-92 Amend Appropriations 

17-91 Resolution to Disperse 25% TIF Payment to FF Schools 

17-90 Resolution to Hire 3 Part Time Fire 

17-89 Assess Properties for Nuisance Abatement 

17-87 One Year Moratorium on Medical Marijuana 

17-88 Then & Now PO to Landview Services 

17-86 Resolution authorizing raises for Asst Fire Chief and for Captain 

17-85 Resolution approving raise for Fire Chief 

Resolution 21-84 approving additional sewer repair work on Dust Commander 

17-84 Resolution Adopting Credit Card Policy 

17-83 Resolution adding Winford to 2017 Paving List 

17-82 Resolution to re appoint FTZC Alternate 

17-81 Resolution to reappoint FTZC Alternate 

17-80 Resolution authorizing purchase of two electric fans for FD 

17-79 Resolution authorizing employment of three fire fighters 

17-78 Resolution regarding M2M Bike Trails Donation 

17-77 Resolution authorizing purchase of snow plow truck 

17-76 Resolution authorizing camera system for Service Dept 

17-75 Resolution creating Noise Ordinance 

17-74 Resolution authorizing formation of Parks Committee 

17-73 Resolution hiring Police Chief Robert Chabali 

17-72 Resolution regarding Administrator's Contract 

17-71 Resolution for Indigent Burial 

17-70 Resolution for nuisance properties 

17-69 Resolution regarding Durapatch work 

17-68 Resolution to approve Tax Budget 

17-67 Resolution to advance funds for Litter Mgmt Grant 

17-66 Resolution to repay funds from grant advancement 

17-65 Resolution to pay OTARMA 

17-64 Resolution declaring nuisance properties 

17-63 Resolution to amend permanent appropriations 

17-62 Resolution to repay an advance to GF from TIF 

17-61 Resolution regarding 2017 paving through Butler County 

17-60 Resolution regarding nuisance properties 

17-59 Resolution hiring Service Dept employee 

17-58 Resolution allowing TID to work on Princeton Rd project 

17-57 Resolution approving raise for Service Dept employee after probationary period 

17-56 Resolution regarding nuisance properties 

17-55 Resolution authorizing three Ford Fusions for PD 

17-54 Resolution authorizing equipment for Police vehicles 

17-53 Resolution authorizing tennis court repair 

17-52 Resolution authorizing purchase of 15 FD helmets and boot sets 

17-51 Resolution hiring Firefighter 

17-50 Resolution hiring firefighter 

17-49 Resolution to purchase two police vehicles 

17-48 Resolution to post for Police Chief position 

17-47 Resolution to pay TIF distribution to Fairfield Schools 

17-46 Resolution allowing carpet purchase for Fire HQ 

17-45 Resolution allowing FD to be painted 

17-44 Resolution to hire firefighters 

17-43 Resolution authorizing Beaty Lane repair 

17-42 Resolution allowing agreement for public infrastructure 

17-41 Resolution allowing Agreement of Sale (Graceworks property) 

17-40 Resolution establishing Social Media Policy 

17-39 Resolution establishing Park Naming Policy 

17-38 Resolution establishing Public Records Policy 

17-37 Resolution to equip Police vehicle 

17-36 Resolution to equip Police vehicle 

17-35 Resolution to purchase pickup truck for Fire Department 

17-34 Resolution authorizing Spring/Summer newsletter 

17-33 Resolution allowing Police Chief to hire patrol officer 

17-32 Resolution to contract with Butler County for salt 

17-31 Resolution authorizing durapatch work 

17-30 Resolution authorizing TIF creation 

17-29 Resolution authorizing 2nd amendment to JEDD 

17-28 Resolution approving zoning case FTZC17-1C 

17-27 Resolution approving purchase of turnout gear for Fire Department 

17-26 Resolution creating position of Police Chief 

17-25 Resolution approving travel 

17-24 Resolution to advertise for Zoning Inspector 

17-23 Resolution to hire Firefghter 

17-22 Resolution authorizing appraisal services 

17-21 Resolution authorizing pre-engineering of Princeton Road 

17-20 Resolution approving 2017 Permanent Appropriations 

17-19 Resolution for a Then and Now to BC Engineer 

17-18 Resolution to purchase Bobcat broom attachment 

17-17 Resolution to purchase Bobcat ditch bucket attachment 

17-16 Resolution to purchase pressure washer for Service Department 

71-15 Resolution to contract with Legend Webworks for IT 

17-14 Resolution to continue contract with Careworks 

17-13 Resolution regarding nuisance properties 

17-12 Resolution assessing nuisance properties 

17-11 Resolution supporting M2M Bike Route Project 

17-10 Resolution to hire firefighters 

17-09 Resolution allowing part time status for Zoning Inspector 

17-08 Resolution authorizing raises 

17-07 Resolution Designating Roads for 2017 Paving 

To view 2017 Paving List Click Here


17-06 Resolution for Miami Valley Crime Lab for PD 

17-05 Resolution for Nuisance Abatement 

17-04 Resolution to hire in FD 

17-03 Approve purchase of Active Shooter Vests 

17-02 Resolution to advance funds for Bullet Proof Vest Grant  

Resolution 22-168 appointing part time Fire/EMT Nathan Lockwood

Resolution 22-167 approving resignation of John Boyer from PD

Resolution 22-166 approving Bridgewater Developer Agreement

Resolution 22-165 approving School Compensation Agreement

Resolution 22-164 authorizing to apply for School Travel Plan

Resolution 22-163 authorizing to apply for CDBG Grant for Pater Ave

Resolution 22-162 authorizing to apply for CDBG Grant for King Ave

Resolution 22-161 appointing Michel Davis member of Zoning Appeals Board

Resolution 22-160 appointing part time Fire/EMT McKenzie Healy

Resolution 22-159 appointing part time Fire/EMT Joshua Coletta

Resolution 22-158 authorizing TIF agreement

Resolution 22-157 adopting 2023 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 22-156 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-155 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties listed

Resolution 22-154-B approving agreement with Butler County for paving

Resolution 22-154-A approving agreement with Butler County for paving

Resolution 22-153 authorizing debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 22-152 authorizing debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 22-151 authorizing debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 22-150 authorizing debt service payment to Bank of New York Mellon

Resolution 22-149 ordering removal & demolition of 6767 Lester Ave

Resolution 22-148 approving physical fitness & wellness policy for PD

Resolution 22-147 authorizing crack seal

Resolution 22-146 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-145 approving full time firefighter paramedic

Resolution 22-144 approving full time firefighter paramedic

Resolution 22-143 approving resignation of Mark Bartlett

Resolution 22-142 approving full time Public Works employee

Resolution 22-141 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-140 authorizing curb and gutter repairs

Resolution 22-139 authorizing crack seal - tabled 

Resolution 22-138 approving 2023 retrace estimate

Resolution 22-137 approving 2023 paving estimate

Resolution 22-136 prohibiting the processing of medical marijuana

Resolution 22-135 approving resignation of Austin Reed 

Resolution 22-134 supporting State Issue One

Resolution 22-133 approving full time Public Works employee

Resolution 22-132 authorizing dispatch to BC Sheriff Office

Resolution 22-131 authorizing contract with T.R. Gear

Resolution 22-130 approving full time Police officer

Resolution 22-129 approving full time Police officer

Resolution 22-128 approving full time shift captain FD

Resolution 22-127 approving full time shift captain FD

Resolution 22-126 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-125 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-124 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-123 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-122 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-121 approving distribution of TIF monies

Resolution 22-120 approving indigent cremation of Township resident

Resolution 22-119 approving removal of unsafe building

Resolution 22-118 approving Butler County Police aid agreement

Resolution 22-117 approving full time Police officer

Resolution 22-116 approving full time Police officer

Resolution 22-115 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-114 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-113 accepting terms of OneOhio funds

Resolution 22-112 approving removal of unsafe building

Resolution 22-111 approving removal of unsafe building

Resolution 22-110 approving 6 cardiac monitors for FD

Resolution 22-109 establishing public records policy

Resolution 22-108 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-107 approving part time resource office (SRO)

Resolution 22-106 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-105 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-104 approving part time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-103 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-102 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-101 approving part-time firefighter/EMT

Resolution 22-100 adopting fiscal year 2023 tax budget

Resolution 22-99 approving flock cameras

Resolution 22-98 approving speed displays

Resolution 22-97 approving paramedic tuition payment

Resolution 22-96 approving paramedic tuition payment

Resolution 22-95 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 22-94 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-93 approving additional funding for the Greenlawn Road Drainage Project not to exceed $250,000

Resolution 22-92 approving Administrator to sign the Greenlawn Drainage Cooperative Agreement with the BCEO

Resolution 22-91 approving a Then and Now Purchase Order for paramedic tuition for firefighter/EMT Joshua Lentz

Resolution 22-90 approving the appointment of part-time firefighter/EMT Aidan Gleason 

Resolution 22-89 approving appointment of full-time firefighter/EMT Bryce Hudson

Resolution 22-88 approving repair of storm sewer piping on Greenlawn Road from Smithcorp, Inc.

Resolution 22-87 authorizing Administrator to sign healthcare renewal contracts through Humana Insurance

Resolution 22-86 authorizing Administrator to execute salt contract with BCEO for the 2022/2023 snow season

Resolution 22-85 approving zone change and major modification for case FTZC22-2C First Church of God PUD

Resolution 22-84 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-83 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-82 authorizing the Fairfield Township Administrator to execute all necessary documents for Cyber Insurance renewal through CFC 

Resolution 22-81 authorizing Fire Chief to execute agreement with Butler Tech donating 2013 Horton Ambulance in exchange for training services

Resolution 22-80 authorizing the sale or auction of vehicle (value greater than $2,500) which is obsolete, unfit, or unneeded

Resolution 22-79 authorizing Administrator to renewal contract for lease of printers and plotter from Woodhull, LLC

Resolution 22-78 authorizing debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 22-77 authorizing debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 22-76 authorizing debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 22-75 authorizing debt service payment to Bank of New York Mellon

Resolution 22-74 authorizing Administrator to execute all necessary documents to renew property insurance with OTARMA

Resolution 22-73 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-72 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-71 resolution opposing construction of large wond farms and/or solar facilities within Fairfield Township

Resolution 22-70 amending resolution 22-19 due to price/cost increase for 2022 paving

Resolution 22-69 approving appointment if part-time firefighter/EMT Angela Plozay

Resolution 22-68 *FIRST READ* approving creation of five full-time police officer positions 

Resolution 22-67 dispersing TIF payment to Fairfield City Schools

Resolution 22-66 approving payment to Sedgwick for TPA services

Resolution 22-65 approving pay raise for employees

Resolution 22-64 approving repairs to Fire Department Engine 212 from Pro Poly of America, Inc. 

Resolution 22-63 approving purchase of mowing equipment from Fairfield Power Equipment for the Township Public Works Department in the amount of $15,059

Resolution 22-62 approving purchase of Stalker Speed Awareness Monitor for the Police Department from MPH Industries in the total amount of $9,262

Resolution 22-61 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-60 authorizing Administrator to execute the Fairfield Township and City of Fairfield JEDD Contract

Resolution 22-59 approving amended School Compensation agreement among Fairfield Township, Fairfield City School District Board of Education, and Butler Technology and Career Development Schools 

Resolution 22-58 approving Development Agreement with City of Fairfield and Neyer

Resolution 22-57 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-56 approving a Then & Now PO for annual radio maintenance on radios from Butler County Sheriff (sent earlier than past years)

Resolution 22-55 TABLED authorizing additional expenditure from the ARPA Funds

Resolution 22-54 TABLED adopting standard allowance for expenditure from ARPA Funds

Resolution 22-53 approving purchase of shelving and cabinets from Petterson-Pope for the PD

Resolution 22-52 approving Then & Now PO for road salt and brine mixture from the BCEO (more salt used than anticipated)

Resolution 22-51 authorizing Fiscal Office to initiate payment from the Fairfield Township General Fund 1000 to the CIC

Resolution 22-50 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 22-49 approving appointment of FT Firefighter/Paramedic Noah Enderle

Resolution 22-48 approving appointment of FT Firefighter/Paramedic Eric Rolls

Resolution 22-47 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-46 approving purchase of Stryker Powerload Ambulance Cot and Power Load System for the FD

Resolution 22-45 approving Then & Now PO for 2021 Traffic Signal Maintenance to the BCEO

Resolution 22-44 approving purchase of bicycles for the PD from Volcanic Bikes

Resolution 22-43 approving purchase of wellness equipment for the PD from Johnson Health Tech using state bid pricing

Resolution 22-42 approving purchase of ammunition for the PD from Kiesler Supply

Resolution 22-41 approving 2022 annual payment to Miami Valley Crime Lab

Resolution 22-40 approving contract with Finishing Touch for PD cleaning service

Resolution 22-39 approving purchase of used 2021 medic from Horton

Resolution 22-38 approving 2022 medic from Horton using State Bid Pricing

Resolution 22-37 approving TR Gear for median landscape work

Resolution 22-36 approving paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT Ian Schomaker at a total cost of $9,451

Resolution 22-35 authorizing Administrator to execute agreement with the EMA

Resolution 22-34 approving contract with Dell for Microsoft Office 365

Resolution 22-33 approving appointment of FT Firefighter/EMT Nathan Pierani

Resolution 22-32 approving appointment of FT Firefighter/EMT Matthew Estridge

Resolution 22-31 approving appointment of FT Police Officer Austin Reed

Resolution 22-30 approving appointment of FT Police Officer Tess Flynn

Resolution 22-29 approving appointment of FT Police Officer Mark Bartlett, Jr

Resolution 22-28 approving appointment of FT Police Officer Richard Coy

Resolution 22-27 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 22-26 approving appointment of FT Fire Inspector Brad Jordan Peters

Resolution 22-25 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 22-24 approving brine contract

Resolution 22-23 approving purchase of snowplow from FRYDA

Resolution 22-22 approving crack seal not to exceed $10,000

Resolution 22-21 approving roads for retrace not to exceed $15,000

Resolution 22-20 approving roads for black mat bid not to exceed $94,000

Resolution 22-19 approving roads for paving bid not to exceed $428,000

Resolution 22-18 approving salt contract

Resolution 22-17 appointing Michael Jodrey as a member of the FTZC

Resolution 22-16 reappointing Denise McCoy as a member of the FTZA

Resolution 22-15 appointing Steve Weeks as a member of the FTZC

Resolution 22-14 reappointing Robert Wilking as a member of the FTZC

Resolution 22-13 approving paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT approving paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT payment to Nathan Pierani at a total of $9,451

Resolution 22-12 approving open purchase orders

Resolution 22-11 approving the Fiscal Officer to open Purchase Orders for amounts necessary for normal everyday expenses

Resolution 22-10 establishing Township competitive bidding process

Resolution 22-09 approving Department Heads to execute all purchases and contracts for amounts equal or less than $1,500

Resolution 22-08 approving Administrator to execute all purchases and contracts for amounts equal or less than $7,500

Resolution 22-07 establishing and approving zoning fee schedule

Resolution 22-06 setting holiday schedule

Resolution 22-05 setting Trustees meetings for the second Tuesday of each month

Resolution 22-04 approving daily per diem

Resolution 22-03 establishing mileage rate

Resolution 22-02 approving Fiscal Officer salary as set by the ORC 

Resolution 22-01 approving Trustee salaries as set by the ORC

City of Fairfield/Fairfield Township JEDD 2024

Meeting Agenda February 12

Meeting Minutes February 12

Meeting Agenda May 13

Meeting Minutes May 13



Hamilton/Indian Springs JEDD



Resolution 25-48 authorizing payment to Jergensen for 2025 paving program

Resolution 25-47 approving changes to the Fire Department policy manual

Resolution 25-46 authorizing purchase of fencing for the Milton St. Park

Resolution 25-45 authorizing renewal of the Lexipol subscription for Fire Dept.

Resolution 25-44 approving salary increases for non-union employees

Resolution 25-43 approving amended public records policy for Fairfield Township

Resolution 25-42 authorizing Admin to sign grant agreement with ODNR

Resolution 25-41 approving revised EMS billing rates for the Fire Department

Resolution 25-40 authorizing purchase of security cameras from SWOCA

Resolution 25-39 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 25-38 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 25-37 authorizing electric aggregation agreement

Resolution 25-36 authorizing purchase of mobile fingerprint machine for PD

Resolution 25-35 authorizing the creation of position of Office Manager

Resolution 25-34 authorizing purchase of AED's to satisfy HB 47

Resolution 25-33 authorizing purchase of staff vehicle for Fire Department

Resolution 25-32 approving public notice requirement per HB 315

Resolution 25-31 authorizing purchase of a Dump Truck with Plow

Resolution 25-30 authorizing purchase of lockers for the Fire Department

Resolution 25-29 authorizing purchase of shot guns for the Police Department

Resolution 25-28 authorizing repairs to the roof of the Administration building

Resolution 25-27 authorizing purchase of (3) police vehicles

Resolution 25-26 authorizing purchase of a desk/chair for Township Administrator

Resolution 25-25 authorizing crack seal at a price not to exceed $10,000.00

Resolution 25-24 authorizing full-time Police Officer William Kelly

Resolution 25-23 authorizing renewal of Flock Camera system

Resolution 25-22 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 25-21 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 25-20 approving purchase of 13 mobile radios for Fire Department

Resolution 25-19 authorizing Administrator to execute agreement with BC EMA

Resolution 25-18 authorizing purchase of mobile storage system for PD

Resolution 25-17 reappointing Jason Austerman member Zoning Commission

Resolution 25-16 reappointing Michel Davis member of Zoning Appeals Board

Resolution 25-15 authorizing contract with Dell for Microsoft Licensing

Resolution 25-14 approving 2025 annual invoice to Miami Valley Crime Lab

Resolution 25-13 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 25-12 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 25-11 authorizing Fiscal Officer to open PO for everyday expenses

Resolution 25-10 establishing 2025 competitive bidding process

Resolution 25-09 authorizing Dept. heads to execute purchases $1,500 or less

Resolution 25-08 authorizing Administrator to execute purchases $7,500 or less

Resolution 25-07 approving 2025 Zoning Fee Schedule

Resolution 25-06 setting 2025 Holiday Schedule

Resolution 25-05 setting 2025 Trustee Meeting Schedule

Resolution 25-04 authorizing 2025 travel and meal reimbursement rate

Resolution 25-03 establishing 2025 mileage reimbursement rate

Resolution 25-02 approving Fiscal Officer salary as set by the ORC

Resolution 25-01 approving Trustee salaries as set by the ORC




CIC 2025

Meeting Agenda March 11

Community Improvement Corporation

Resolution 24-160 authorizing purchase order for Barrett Paving 

Resolution 24-159 authorizing to execute the LPA Federal ODOT project 

Resolution 24-158 authorizing to enter contract with T.R. Gear Landscaping

Resolution 24-157 adopting 2025 permanent appropriations

Resolution 24-156 authorizing curb and gutter repairs from R.A. Miller Company

Resolution 24-155 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-154 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-153 authorizing payment to Basis Companies

Resolution 24-152 authorizing purchase of playground equipment for Milton Park

Resolution 24-151 authorizing pay increase for Resource Officer Chuck O'Bryon

Resolution 24-150 authorizing Administrator to apply for CDBG Grant

Resolution 24-149 approving 2025 paving estimate

Resolution 24-148 approving 2025 retrace estimate

Resolution 24-147 approving purchase of 18 in car computers for PD

Resolution 24-146 authorizing debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 24-145 authorizing debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 24-144 authorizing debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 24-143 authorizing debt service payment to Bank of NY Mellon

Resolution 24-142 appointing full-time Firefighter/EMT Thomas Vickers

Resolution 24-141 appointing full-time Firefighter/Paramedic Kyle Romans

Resolution 24-140 appointing full-time Firefighter/Paramedic Jared Baker

Resolution 24-139 appointing full-time Firefighter/Paramedic Bryce Canupp

Resolution 24-138 appointing full-time Fire Lieutenant Logan Debord

Resolution 24-137 appointing full-time Fire Lieutenant Ted Coates

Resolution 24-136 appointing full-time Fire Lieutenant Matthew Estridge 

Resolution 24-135 appointing full-time Deputy Fire Chief Jason Jeffers

Resolution 24-134 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-133 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-132 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-131 authorizing new year tax rates

Resolution 24-130 amending 2024 permanent appropriations

Resolution 24-129 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-128 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-127 authorizing pay raises for employees

Resolution 24-126 approving employment agreement of Township Administrator Julie Vonderhaar

Resolution 24-125 authorizing the payment of increased costs from previously approved CDBG funding 

Resolution 24-124 authorizing Administrator to apply for the 2024 Nature Works Grant

Resolution 24-123 authorizing Administrator to upgrade the weather sirens from Mobilcomm Inc.

Resolution 24-122 approving truck repair of fire engine 213 from Specialty Truck Repair

Resolution 24-121 authorizing Administrator to execute a natural gas aggregation agreement

Resolution 24-120 authorizing the execution of the contract from Butler County for the CDBG

Resolution 24-119 authorizing contribution of $10,000.00 to the Fairfield Prevention Coalition

Resolution 24-118 authorizing the creation of three (3) full-time Firefighter/Paramedic positions

Resolution 24-117 authorizing the creation of a full-time Deputy Chief position in the Fire Department

Resolution 24-116 authorizing Fire Chief to execute agreement with Butler Tech

Resolution 24-115 authorizing purchase of tasers for the Police Department

Resolution 24-114 authorizing purchase of ammunition for the Police Department

Resolution 24-113 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-112 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-111 adopting fiscal year 2025 tax budget

Resolution 24-110 authorizing Administrator to execute a salt contract with Butler Cty Engineer's office

Resolution 24-109 authorizing Administrator to sign contract with The Standard Company

Resolution 24-108 authorizing Administrator to sign contract with Anthem for healthcare benefits

Resolution 24-107 amending 2024 permanent appropriations

Resolution 24-106 appointing full-time Police Officer Deyonte Tipton

Resolution 24-105 appointing full-time Police Officer Ashtyn Fath

Resolution 24-104 appointing full-time Police Officer Nesh Mahat

Resolution 24-103 appointing full-time Police Officer Travis Prater

Resolution 24-102 authorizing renewal on dental, vision & voluntary life with Humana

Resolution 24-101 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-100 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-99 authorizing Administrator to execute agreement for Milton Street Park improvements

Resolution 24-98 authorizing payment of $250,000.00 to the City of Fairfield

Resolution 24-97 approving with conditions Zone Change for Optimized Senior Living

Resolution 24-96 authorizing purchase of new ambulance for the Fire Department

Resolution 24-95 authorizing purchase of Motorola Radios for the Police Department

Resolution 24-94 approving rubber surfacing & equipment contract for Shafer's Run Park

Resolution 24-93 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Cory Gabbard

Resolution 24-92 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Zachary Fisher

Resolution 24-91 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Brandon Durrough

Resolution 24-90 appointing part-time Firefighter/Paramedic Ted Coates

Resolution 24-89 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-88 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-87 authorizing then and now purchase order for Rumpke for Spring clean-up event

Resolution 24-86 authorizing payment over the approved CDBG funding for King Ave stormwater project

Resolution 24-85 authorizing contract with Vector Solutions for scheduling software for Fire Department

Resolution 24-84 authorizing contract with Lexipol for consulting services for the Fire Department

Resolution 24-83 authorizing securance of unsafe building at 1447 Exeter Street

Resolution 24-82 amending 2024 permanent appropriations

Resolution 24-81 approval of Solid Waste Management Plan for Butler County

Resolution 24-80 authorizing Administrator to apply for ODOT safe routes to school funds

Resolution 24-79 appointing Summer Intern Hailey Sellet

Resolution 24-78 appointing Summer Intern Ainsley Brandabur

Resolution 24-77 appointing full-time Police Officer Dominic Swinney

Resolution 24-76 appointing full-time Police Officer Nathan Morgan

Resolution 24-75 appointing part-time Firefighter/Paramedic Dustin Perry

Resolution 24-74 authorizing Administrator to execute documents to renew Cyber insurance

Resolution 24-73 authorizing Administrator to execute documents to renew OTARMA insurance policy

Resolution 24-72 authorizing debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 24-71 authorizing debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 24-70 authorizing debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 24-69 authorizing debt service payment to the bank of New York Mellon

Resolution 24-68 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-67 authorizing renewal contract for lease of printers from Woodhull

Resolution 24-66 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-65 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-64 approving repair of piping in Ashwood Knolls Subdivision

Resolution 24-63 awarding paramedic tuition payment for Firefighter/EMT Ashton McCann

Resolution 24-62 appointing Ashton McCann as full time Firefighter/EMT

Resolution 24-61 appointing Mason Miller as full time Firefighter/EMT

Resolution 24-60 appointing Drake Oros as full time Firefighter/Paramedic

Resolution 24-59 authorizing the Deed of Gift document with the Historical Society

Resolution 24-58 authorizing contract with Stewart Land Use

Resolution 24-57 dispersing from TIF funds to Fairfield City School District 

Resolution 24-56 authorizing sale or destruction of Police Department equipment

Resolution 24-55 authorizing sale or auction of vehicles from Police Department

Resolution 24-54 appointing Caitlin Fugett as full time Police Officer

Resolution 24-53 authorizing appointment of full time Police Recruit Nesh Mahat

Resolution 24-52 authorizing appointment of full time Police Recruit Ashtyn Fath

Resolution 24-51 authorizing appointment of full time Police Recruit Deyonte Tipton

Resolution 24-50 authorizing appointment of full time Police Recruit Travis Prater

Resolution 24-49 authorizing academy payment for Police Department Recruits

Resolution 24-48 approving payment to Sedgwick

Resolution 24-47 establishing Consent Agenda Policy

Resolution 24-46 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-45 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-44 approving purchase of (28) Body Worn Cameras for the Police Department

Resolution 24-43 approving purchase of (19) In-Car Cameras for the Police Department

Resolution 24-42 approving purchase of Evidence Locker for Police Department

Resolution 24-41 approving purchase of Intoximeter for Police Department

Resolution 24-40 amending 2024 permanent appropriations

Resolution 24-39 authorizing Administrator to execute contract with Dell for Microsoft Licensing

Resolution 24-38 approving maintenance contract renewal with Stryker for FD

Resolution 24-37 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-36 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-35 approving the appointment of Doug Johnson to BC 911 Review Committee

Resolution 24-34 appointing Karla Chaney as member of the FTZC

Resolution 24-33 appointing Michael Fannon as a member of the FTZA

Resolution 24-32 appointing Paul Weingartner as a member of the FTZA

Resolution 24-31 appointing Jason Austerman as a member of the FTZC

Resolution 24-30 approving repairs to Fire Department Medic #214

Resolution 24-29 imposing a moratorium on adult use cannabis in Fairfield Township

Resolution 24-28 authorizing BC Engineer to remove dirt & debris from ditch along Princeton at Bypass 4

Resolution 24-27 authorizing 2024 crack seal

Resolution 24-26 authorizing purchase of Pole Camera for Public Works

Resolution 24-25 authorizing purchase of Case Backhoe for Public Works

Resolution 24-24 appointing part-time Firefighter/MEDIC Cody Helmuth

Resolution 24-23 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Elijah Emmons

Resolution 24-22 authorizing annual agreement with the Butler County EMA

Resolution 24-21 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-20 appointing Terrence Viel as Full-time Police Sergeant

Resolution 24-19 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 24-18 amending 2024 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 24-17 authorizing curb and gutter repairs from R.A. Miller Construction

Resolution 24-16 authorizing purchase of (4) transcend stair chairs for the Fire Department

Resolution 24-15 approving acceptance of Ohio Bureau of Workers Comp Safety Grant

Resolution 24-14 reappointing Greg Philpot to Fairfield Township Zoning Commission

Resolution 24-13 reappointing Karla Chaney to Fairfield Township Board of Zoning Appeals

Resolution 24-12 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 24-11 authorizing Fiscal Officer to open PO for everyday expenses

Resolution 24-10 establishing 2024 competitive bidding process

Resolution 24-09 authorizing Department heads to execute all purchases for amount of $1,500 or less

Resolution 24-08 authorizing Administrator to execute all purchases for amounts of $7,500 or less

Resolution 24-07 establishing and approving 2024 Zoning fee schedule

Resolution 24-06 setting 2024 Fairfield Township holiday schedule

Resolution 24-05 setting 2024 Fairfield Township Trustees meeting schedule

Resolution 24-04 authorizing 2024 travel and meal reimbursement rate

Resolution 24-03 establishing 2024 mileage reimbursement rate

Resolution 24-02 approving Fiscal Officer salary as set by the ORC

Resolution 24-01 approving Trustee salaries as set by the ORC



City of Fairfield/Fairfield Township JEDD 2023

Meeting Agenda December 11

Meeting Minutes December 11

Hamilton/Indian Springs JEDD 2024

Meeting Agenda March 21

Meeting Minutes March 21

Resolution 23-159 appointing full-time Fire Chief Ryan Berter 

Resolution 23-158 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties 

Resolution 23-157 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Brad Wargo

Resolution 23-156 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Jackson Hetterich

Resolution 23-155 authorizing TIF extension

Resolution 23-154 approving School Compensation agreement

Resolution 23-153 adopting 2024 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 23-152 amending the 2023 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 23-151 approving agreement for paving and allocation of ARA funds for 2024

Resolution 23-150 approving 2024 annual payment to Miami Valley Crime Lab

Resolution 23-149 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-148 approving purchase of Genesis Rescue Equipment for Fire Department

Resolution 23-147 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-146 approving funds through the hazard mitigation grant program

Resolution 23-145 re-appoint Joe McAbee to TID Board

Resolution 23-144 requesting a speed study on Reigart Road

Resolution 23-143 authorizing debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 23-142 authorizing debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 23-141 authorizing debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 23-140 authorizing debt service payment to Bank of NY Mellon

Resolution 23-139 approving 2024 retrace estimate

Resolution 23-138 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-137 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-136 authorizing new year tax rates

Resolution 23-135 approving 2024 paving estimate

Resolution 23-134 appoint Paul Johnson as full-time public works employee

Resolution 23-133 authorize contract with T.R. Gear Landscaping for Princeton Road medians

Resolution 23-132 authorize project agreement with BC for Pater Ave storm water project

Resolution 23-131 authorize project agreement with BC for King Ave storm water project

Resolution 23-130 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-129 voluntarily forgo inside millage at the request of the BC Auditor for one year

Resolution 23-128 approving wage adjustments as outlined in the MOU for the Fire Department

Resolution 23-127 establishing position of full-time Lieutenants for the Fire Department 

Resolution 23-126 authorize pay raise for Administrator Julie Vonderhaar

Resolution 23-125 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-124 disperse from TIF Funds for distribution to the Fairfield City School District

Resolution 23-123 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Matthew Miller

Resolution 23-122 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Chase Liddil

Resolution 23-121 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Jerrell Brown

Resolution 23-120 approving acceptance of EMA ARPA Retention/Incentive Program Grant for Police

Resolution 23-119 approving acceptance of EMA ARPA Retention/Incentive Program Grant for Fire

Resolution 23-118 approving acceptance of EMA ARPA Peer Support Training Grant for Fire Department

Resolution 23-117 approving purchase of robotic education units for Police & Fire Departments

Resolution 23-116 amending 2023 permanent appropriations 

Resolution 23-115 authorizing then & now PO for Specialty Truck Repair for FD

Resolution 23-114 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-113 authorizing Administrator to transfer property to Butler County for future roundabout

Resolution 23-112 authorizing pay raises for employees

Resolution 23-111 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-110 authorizing Administrator to sign the tax increment agreement with Butler County

Resolution 23-109 authorizing purchase of turnout gear for the Fire Department

Resolution 23-108 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-107 appointing Christopher Ferguson as full-time Fire/Paramedic

Resolution 23-106 adopting Fiscal year 2024 Tax Budget

Resolution 23-105 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-104 authorizing Administrator to execute a salt contract with BC for 2023 & 2024 

Resolution 23-103 then & Now PO for Specialty Truck Repair for Engine 212 repair for FD

Resolution 23-102 authorizing the creation of an academy reimbursement program for PD

Resolution 23-101 then & now purchase order for Ohio Assoc of Chiefs of Police

Resolution 23-100 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-99 approving promotion of Police Officer Ryan Roach to Sergeant

Resolution 23-98 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-97 approving purchase of Thermal Imaging Camera for the Fire Dept

Resolution 23-96 appointing seasonal part-time Public Works employee Garrett Berter

Resolution 23-95 appointing seasonal part-time Fire Dept employee Anna Claire

Resolution 23-94 appointing seasonal part-time Fire Dept employee Lindsey Dameron

Resolution 23-93 appointing seasonal part-time Fire Dept employee Landon Sizemore

Resolution 23-92 appointing seasonal part-time Fire Dept employee Jackson Sizemore

Resolution 23-91 authorizing Administrator to sign renewal contracts for Healthcare Benefits

Resolution 23-90 authorizing Trustees to sign letter of support for property valuation revision

Resolution 23-89 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Joshua Morrow

Resolution 23-88 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Evan Smith

Resolution 23-87 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Tyler Friend

Resolution 23-86 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Andrew Volz

Resolution 23-85 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Tyler Fritz

Resolution 23-84 appointing part-time Firefighter/EMT Dylan Bailey

Resolution 23-83 authorizing then and now purchase order for Junk King for Spring clean-up

Resolution 23-82 approving purchase of 2023 E-One Ladder Truck for the Fire Dept

Resolution 23-81 approving purchase of 2024 Ambulance for the Fire Dept

Resolution 23-80 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-79 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement 

Resolution 23-78 authorizing part-time Firefighter/EMT Isaiah Hartness

Resolution 23-77 authorizing part-time Firefighter/EMT Ashton McCann

Resolution 23-76 authorizing renewal of Cyber Insurance through CFC

Resolution 23-75 authorizing renewal of Insurance with OTARMA through Risksource Clark-Theders 

Resolution 23-74 approving purchase of Sundance Records Management System for the Police Dept

Resolution 23-73 approving purchase of Graykey Cell Phone Technology for the Police Dept

Resolution 23-72 approving transfer of 2016 Ford F-250 to Public Works

Resolution 23-71 approving purchase of 2024 F-550 for Fire Dept

Resolution 23-70 authorizing debt service payment to Huntington Bank

Resolution 23-69 authorizing debt service payment to PNC Bank

Resolution 23-68 authorizing debt service payment to US Bank

Resolution 23-67 authorizing debt service payment to Bank of New York Mellon

Resolution 23-66 requesting a speed study on Princeton Road

Resolution 23-65 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-64 appointing Dominic Hunter full-time Firefighter/Paramedic

Resolution 23-63 appointing Aaron Foley full-time Firefighter/Paramedic

Resolution 23-62 appointing Douglas Mulcock full-time Firefighter/EMT

Resolution 23-61 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-60 awarding paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT J. Murphy

Resolution 23-59 awarding paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT A. Foley

Resolution 23-58 awarding paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT M. Miller

Resolution 23-57 awarding paramedic tuition payment to Firefighter/EMT D. Hunter

Resolution 23-56 providing authority to the Township Law Director to execute the settlement forms

Resolution 23-55 disperse TIF money to Fairfield City School District

Resolution 23-54 authorizing purchase of 2023 Hot Mix Transporter

Resolution 23-53 approving payment to Sedgwick 

Resolution 23-52 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-51 authorizing curb and gutter repair from Adleta Construction 

Resolution 23-50 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-49 approving Text Amendment to Zoning Resolution

Resolution 23-48 authorizing Administrator to add multi factor authentication to our cyber insurance

Resolution 23-47 authorizing Administrator to enter contract with Dell for Microsoft 365 licensing

Resolution 23-46 appointing Dalton Sanders part-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-45 appointing Tyler Gambrell part-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-44 appointing Jada Murphy part-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-43 appointing Jayden Mudd part-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-42 authorizing FO to transfer money from general fund to CIC

Resolution 23-41 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-40 appointing Larry Reynolds as full-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-39 appointing Steven Kraemer as full-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-38 appointing Jason Agoston as full-time Fire/EMT

Resolution 23-37 appointing Ian Schomaker as full-time Fire/Paramedic

Resolution 23-36 appointing David Caldwell as full-time Police Officer

Resolution 23-35 appointing Brendan Pottorf as full-time Police Officer

Resolution 23-34 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement on properties

Resolution 23-33 accepting the State of Ohio body-worn camera grant program for the PD

Resolution 23-32 authorizing Administrator to sign Sign Installation for bike route

Resolution 23-31 awarding Paramedic tuition to Firefighter/EMT Drake Oros

Resolution 23-30 approving replacement of water line at Heroes Park

Resolution 23-29 appointing Anita Snyder as part-time Police Clerk

Resolution 23-28 approving First Amendment to the City of Fairfield JEDD

Resolution 23-27 approving Third Amendment to Hamilton-Indian Springs JEDD

Resolution 23-26 authorizing Administrator to apply for the FEMA-HMA Grant

Resolution 23-25 approving 2023 annual payment to Miami Valley Crime Lab

Resolution 23-24 authorizing Administrator to execute annual agreement with the BC EMA

Resolution 23-23 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-22 appointing Juan Claros as Police Officer

Resolution 23-21 declaring nuisance and ordering abatement

Resolution 23-20 approving purchase of 2022 F-350 for Public Works

Resolution 23-19 authorizing payment for indigent cremation of Township resident

Resolution 23-18 authorizing initiation of the Zoning Resolution Amendment Process

Resolution 23-17 authorizing Administrator to enter contract with T.R. Gear for parks

Resolution 23-16 reappointing Cheryl Leadbetter member of FTZC

Resolution 23-15 reappointing Joe Statzer member of FTZA

Resolution 23-14 authorizing Administrator to renew contract with The Standard Insurance Co.

Resolution 23-13 approving resignation of Steven Laugle from the PD

Resolution 23-12 approving open purchase order balances

Resolution 23-11 authorizing Fiscal Officer to open PO for everyday expenses

Resolution 23-10 establishing 2023 competitive bidding process

Resolution 23-09 authorizing department heads to execute all purchases for amounts of 1,500

Resolution 23-08 authorizing Administrator to execute purchases & contracts for amount of 7,500

Resolution 23-07 establishing and approving 2023 Zoning Fee Schedule

Resolution 23-06 setting 2023 Fairfield Township Holiday Schedule

Resolution 23-05 setting 2023 Fairfield Township Trustees Meeting Schedule

Resolution 23-04 authorizing 2023 travel & meal reimbursement rate

Resolution 23-03 establishing 2023 mileage reimbursement rate

Resolution 23-02 approving Fiscal Officer salary as set by the ORC

Resolution 23-01 approving Trustee salaries as set by the ORC

City of Fairfield/Fairfield Township JEDD 2022

Meeting Agenda December 15

Meeting Minutes December 15

JEDD DOCUMENTS For Hamilton/Indian Springs

JEDD Bylaws 


Hamilton/Indian Springs JEDD 2022

Meeting Minutes February 8

Meeting Agenda February 8

CIC 2020

No meetings 1st, 2nd, or 4th quarters due to COVID and lack of business necessity

Meeting Minutes August 26 

Meeting Agenda August 26 


December 27, 2017

December 14, 2017

December 13, 2017

November 15, 2017

October 25, 2017

October 11, 2017

September 13, 2017

August 23, 2017

To view possible Credit Card Policy Click Here

July 26, 2017

To view possible Noise Ordinance Click Here

July 6, 2017

June 28, 2017

June 14, 2017

May 24, 2017

To review 2017 Paving List Click Here

Butler County Paving Contract with Barrett Click Here

May 10, 2017

April 26, 2017

To review official Social Media Policy click here

To review official Park Naming Policy click here

To review official Records Retention Policy click here

To review official TIF Compensation Agreement click here

April 12, 2017

March 22, 2017

March 8, 2017

February 22, 2017

February 8, 2017